Prognosis of the efficiency of the preventive drug therapy in children with high risk of bronchial asthma development in high risk group children

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81 children aged 3-5 suffering from atopic dermatitis (AtD) were prospectively observed during 18 months. 64 of them were treated by short courses of inhaled antiasthmatic drugs for primary prevention of bronchial asthma (BA) (fluticasone propionate 125 mcg/day or sodium chromoglycate 20 mg/day for a month twice a year (three courses during the whole period); the control group included 17 children. The index of individual probability (N) of the development of BA was determined for each
child. BA (only mild form) developed in 12/81 children who had N = 0,74±12 (p < 0,05) independently from preventive measures. The value of index in patients who did not develop BA was N = 0,49±0,12 (p < 0,05) in the control group and N = 60±0,12 (p < 0,05) - in "preventive" one. Thus pharmacotherapeutical prevention of bronchial asthma with short courses of inhaled antiasthmatic drugs is effective in children with a middle value of N. Low alue of the index is not associated with the risk of development of BA. High values of the index predict ineffectiveness of preventive measures.

About the authors

E B Belan

E B Belan


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Copyright (c) 2005 Belan E.B., Belan E.B.

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