Study of membrane-stabilising and detoxicating effect of sodium hypochlorite in postoperative patients with complicated cancer of stomach

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The purpose of the present investigation was to study the membranodetoxicating effect of indirect electrochemical oxidation in the early period after operative treatment of cancer of the stomach with complications. The patients received course of intravenous introduction into the jugular vein on the 14 th, 15 th, 16 th day after the surgical treatment. It was established that a course of indirect electrochemical oxidation by sodium hypochlorite effective by lowered the level of middle molecules, peptides with middle masses in the erythrocytes, the level of extraerythrocytic haemoglobin, Willebrand's factor. These results proved high efficacy of sodium hypochlorite as a stabilizing and detoxicaling drug in the oncologic patients with complications.


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Copyright (c) 2005 Kasatkin V.F., Shurygin K.V., Maksimov A.Y., Kaymakchi O.Y., Kasatkin V.F., Shurigin K.V., Maksimov A.J., Kaymakchi O.J.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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