Pecucualirites of cardiorespiratory reactions to hypoxia in different seasons

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The article is devoted to study of seasonal changes of the parameters of cardiorespiratory system in students under the influence of hypoxia. Seasonal variation in reactivity of cardiorespiratory system are revealed under the influence of progressing hypoxia, with is shown by distinct decrease of reaction of respiration and increased reaction of the hemodynamics
in the summer. Summer activates higher aerobic reserves of the organism, in comparison with other seasons of the year.


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Copyright (c) 2005 Radysh I.V., Polatayko Y.A., Krayushkin S.I., Starshinov Y.P., Radysh I.V., Polatayko Y.A., Krayushkin S.I., Starshinov Y.P.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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