Social work & clinical psychology as supporting professionsin health care


Health care reform presupposes its structural reorganization with incorporation into the medical establishment of specialties that are new for domestic medicine: social work and medical psychology. The changes of traditional Russian culture of healing embodied in the image of a perfect zemsky physician are taking the shape of dramatic overwork for practicing physicians, including some functions non-medical in essence and requiring specialist training. Further labour division taking place within the medical speciality expands the whole health care system by means of introducing professions with non-medical educational background, which, however, contribute greatly to the efficacy of medicine and improvement of health and life quality.


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  2. Мартыненко А. В. Медико-социальная работа: теория, технологии, образование. М.: Наука, 1999. 240 с.
  3. Никитин В. А. Социальная работа: Проблемы теории и подготовки специалистов. М.: Московский психолого-социальный институт, 2002. 236 с.
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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2006 Chizhova V.M., Volchanskiy M.E., Chumakova M.I., Krivasheev S.A., Nemirovskaya Y.V., Chizhova V.M., Volchansky M.E., Tchumakova M.I., Krivasheyev S.A., Nemirovskaya J.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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