First results of implementation of the high-priority "Health"project in the Volgograd region

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An analysis of the health status of people in the Volgograd region indicates thatthere are common tendencies
in morbidity and demographic processes associated with age-related and biological processes and lifestyle.
Over the last five years the population of the region was annually decreasing by 18,000 people. There is a disproportion
in the age and sex of the population: senior age groups prevail over younger ones, there is 863 men per 1,000 women.
Morbidity of socially determined diseases is on the increase. The main mortality factors are cardiovascular diseases,
neoplastic processes and external causes.
Calculations show that decreasing mortality rate by 20-25 % and increasing birth rate from 9.4 ‰ to 10.4 ‰ would
stop the depopulation process and stabilize demographics in the region. The high-priority "Health" project was conceived
with the purpose of achieving these goals. The paper offers information on the work done for implementation of the project
in the year 2006.


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Copyright (c) 2007 Petrov V.I., Sabanov V.I., Boyazitova A.N., Petrov V.I., Sabanov V.I., Boiazitova A.N.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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