The features of endocrine status in teenage girls withobesity of various origin

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We carried out a hormonal examination of 69 teenage girls with obesity aged 17-19.
The girls with obesity
were divided into the following groups: 1 - with hypothalamic syndrome of pubertal period, 2 - with syndrome of
polycystic ovaries, 3 - with alimentary-constitutional obesity.
The analysis of our findings revealed that obesity decreased reproductive health of teenagers. We determined that
in girls with hypothalamic syndrome of the pubertal period and in those with syndrome of polycystic ovaries, hypothalamohypophyseo-adrenal and hypothalamo-hypophyseo-ovarian dysfunction is more pronounced than in girls with alimentaryconstitutional obesity.

About the authors

N A Alieva

N A Alieva


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2007 Alieva N.A., Alieva N.A.

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