The efficiency of the transcranial electrostimulationfor correction of psycho-physiological status in patientswith oral lichen ruber planus

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The efficiency of transcranial electrostimulation in complex treatment of oral lichen ruber planus was studied.
This investigation reveals that in treatment of oral lichen rubber planus transcranial electrostimulation brings psychological
and autonomous nervous status to normal. The results obtained prove a sufficient improvement of the indices in
psychological tests upon including transcranial electrostimulation into complex treatment of the oral lichen ruber planus.
Thus, the use of transcranial electrostimulation makes it possible to improve the efficiency of a complex treatment of the
oral lichen ruber planus.

About the authors

S V Barkova

S V Barkova


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Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2007 Barkova S.V., Barkova S.V.

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