Spiral computer tomography in diagnosis of arterial aneurysmand its surgical treatment

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Modern methods of complex neuroimaging (CT) in combination with spiral computer-tomographic angiography
(SCTA) were evaluated in diagnosics of acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke at the Emergency Hospital of Ufa.
The results obtained demonstrated a high diagnostic efficiency of combined methods of CT and SCTA in diagnosis of aneurysmal nature of hemorrhagic stroke and in the evaluation of acute cerebral stroke complex treatment.


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Copyright (c) 2007 Sayfullina E.I., Novikova L.B., Temirova L.V., Arzamastsev V.G., Saifullina E.I., Novikova L.B., Temirova L.V., Arzamastsev V.G.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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