Mechanisms of disturbances of cellular componentof immune system activity in breast cancer

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Complex clinical and laboratory study of patients with breast cancer was carried out. Results obtained
made it possible to reveal general regularities as well as specific features of immune status disturbances and mechanisms
of nonspecific resistance in patients with node breast cancer (I-IIА and IIВ stages of the disease) and edematousinfiltrative
breast cancer (without metastases).
Intensification of free radical oxidation process, destabilization of biological membranes, development of cytolysis
syndrome accompany neoadjuvant polychemotherapy treatment of patients with node breast cancer and edematous- infiltrative
breast cancer. Thus, it is our understanding that treatment with antihypoxants and antioxidants in complex
treatment of oncologic patients makes neoadjuvant polychemotherapy treatment more efficient.


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Copyright (c) 2007 Barsukov V.Y., Plokhov V.N., Chesnokova N.P., Pavlova I.N., Barsukov V.Y., Plokhov V.N., Tchesnokova N.P., Pavlova I.N.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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