Antioxidant properties of new substance RU-1249, containingstericly hindered phenolic group in its structure

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Antioxidant properties of a new compound, coded as RU-1249 containing stericly hindered phenolic group in its structure, as well as reference drugs dibunol and trolox were studied in vitro in concentration of 10 ∝M. It was established that RU-1249 compound showed a very high antioxidant activity (89,2 % inhibition) on the ascorbate-induced lipid peroxidation model, surpassing dibunol (75,9 %) and trolox (61,9 %). While studying the mechanisms of its action, it was shown that RU-1249 compound inhibited lipoperoxyl radical on vitelline lipoprotein chemiluminescent models (79,3 %), second to dibunol (84,1 %) and trolox (84,2 %); it was also shown that RU-1249 compound is an effective interceptor of reactive oxygen forms (74,5 %), which was shown on Fe2+-luminol dependant chemiluminescence, exceeding dibunol (57,1 %) and trolox (61,5 %) in this kind of activity.


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Copyright (c) 2007 Orlova A.A., Kosolapov V.A., Orlova A.A., Kosolapov V.A.

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