Clinical-morphological substantiation of risk factorsof gastrointestinal complications in patients operatedon the heart




We have studied the morphology of pericardium and parietal peritoneum in patients after open-heart operations with concomitant abdominal pathologies. The morphology of pericardium and parietal peritoneum was studied before and after cardiopulmonary bypass. We have ascertained that there is disturbance of microcirculation both in the pericardium and the parietal peritoneum, which provides evidences for hypoperfusion of the organs of the abdominal cavity. Such changes can cause early postoperative complications in the organs of the abdominal cavity.


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版权所有 © Shumakov V.I., Shumakov D.V., Mukha A.V., Goncharov P.N., Tolpekin V.E., Gasanov E.K., Kozlov I.A., 2006

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