Regularities in disturbance of the cellular immunity in the dynamics of breast cancer development




Complex clinical and laboratory study of patients with breast cancer was carried out. Results obtained
made it possible to reveal general regularities as well as specific features of immune status disturbances and mechanisms
of nonspecific resistance in patients with nodal breast cancer (I-IIА and IIВ stages of the disease) and edematousinfiltrative
breast cancer (without metastases).
The regularities revealed are characterized by CD4 Т-lymphocyte decrease and CD8 Т-lymphocyte increase in the
blood. CD8 - Т-lymphocytes correlate with neoplastic histological structure and metastatic process spreading.
A considerable disturbance in the correlation of CD4 Т-lymphocytes and CD8 Т-lymphocytes was noted in edematousinfiltrative breast cancer. In case node breast cancer develops, constant and rapid decrease of T-helpers number in
blood with simultaneous increase of CD8 Т-lymphocyte percentage is considered to be the most prognostically unfavorable
factor as it shows that metastatic process takes place.
Neoadjuvant polychemotherapy treatment of patients with nodal breast cancer and edematous-infiltrative breast
cancer is accompanied by intensification of free radical oxidation process, destabilization of biologic membranes, development
of cytolysis syndrome. The latter factor calls for administration of antihypoxants and antioxidants in complex treatment
of oncologic patients; in this way neoadjuvant polychemotherapy treatment can be made more efficient.


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版权所有 © Barsukov V.Y., Plokhov V.N., Chesnokova N.P., Pavlova I.N., Barsukov V.Y., Plokhov V.N., Chesnokova N.P., Pavlova I.N., 2007

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