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Recently, a lot of counterfeit and substandard products have been observed in the Russian consumer market. That is a real threat to the security and stability of the country. Protection of the rights of the right holder to the means of individualization of goods (works, services) and enterprises can be carried out not only by civil, administrative and legal mechanisms, but also within the framework of the criminal law field. Thus, the article considers and analyzes the legal problems arising in the evaluation and qualification of offences under article 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Also a legal assessment of these contradictions is given. The author analyzes and considers the issue of gaps in the subject of the crime and in some indications of the objective side of the crime. Following the analysis, a number of proposals to improve the content of the studied norms have been made. According to the author, the proposals contained in the article can more effectively influence the reaction of the legislator to modify the considered norms of criminal law.

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About the authors

Igor' Ivanovich Bryka

All-Russian State University of Justice

Email: iibr04@mail.ru
PhD at Law, Associate professor. Position: associate professor. Department: Criminal law and Criminology chair.

Kristina Sergeevna Haperskaya

«LEKS» Moscwo Lawyers’ Bar

Email: kxapyorskaya@mail.ru
Position: Lawyer.


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