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N the age of information technology it is difficult to imagine life without social networks - a publicly available tool for receiving and transmitting information. Compared to traditional media, there is practically no censorship in social networks, but they are neutral with respect to the veracity of the provided socially significant information. That is why, from a convenient communication technology they quietly have turned into one of the challenges of our time, being the same form of confrontation that was once ideological. Various types of communities (scientists, politicians and public figures) are concerned about the increasing flow of fake information that can mislead, misinform and disorientate large masses of people. Fakes that distort historical, political, economic and other facts are especially dangerous. In the paper the young generation is recognized as the most vulnerable part of social networks users. The article analyzes the opinions of various experts on the issue of countering fake information in social networks. It is concluded that only the consolidated efforts of representatives of different countries can be effective in resolving this problem.

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About the authors

Zalina Ismelovna Dadova

Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North-Caucasian advanced training Institute

Email: dazali@inbox.ru
PhD in Philology. Position: Associate professor. Department: state, civil and law disciplines chair

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Burayeva

Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North-Caucasian advanced training Institute

Email: luda_n1@mail.ru
PhD in Physics and Maths. Position: Associate Professor. Department: activities of internal affairs agencies in special conditions.


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