On the formation of the Institute of administrative justice

  • Authors: Betz A.A.1,2
  • Affiliations:
    1. Russian Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of Russian Federation. Branch: South Russian Institute of management
    2. De-Jure-League Law Company, LLC
  • Issue: Vol 12, No 7 (2019)
  • Pages: 195-198
  • Section: Articles
  • URL: https://journals.eco-vector.com/2072-3164/article/view/530613
  • ID: 530613

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The Article is devoted to the research of the Institute of administrative justice of the Russian Federation. The author believes that the increase in the number of cases to challenge the acts of the Executive authorities in the courts of General jurisdiction, is a factor determining the need to transform the administrative justice in the Russian Federation.

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About the authors

Alexandra Alexandrovna Betz

Russian Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of Russian Federation. Branch: South Russian Institute of management; De-Jure-League Law Company, LLC

Email: alexandra15091993@gmail.com
postgraduate student. Department: administrative and service law chair; Position: General Director Deputy.


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