EAEU integration processes as a factor influencing the transformation of Russian business legislation

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The processes taking place in the modern world allow us to say that interstate integration is actively developing, and as a result, similar processes are observed in the sphere of law. In this regard, it is clear that there is a need to reflect and identify general trends in the transformation of Russian legislation under the influence of integration processes. This article attempts to identify the relationship between legal and economic integration, to determine the role and place of the EAEU integration processes in the ongoing changes in Russian business legislation, and to formulate proposals to improve the effectiveness of legal integration. First of all, it is necessary to understand the nature of the process, and the historical, legal and economic aspects of integration within the EAEU are monitored and analyzed. In addition, the results of a detailed analysis of both the regulatory component, in terms of the regulation of economic spheres, and the positions of a number of researchers of integration processes, which allowed to draw an unequivocal conclusion about the high degree of influence of the EAEU integration processes on the business legislation of the Russian Federation. Trends in the impact of the EAEU Court on legal integration and, as a result, on the transformation of Russian law have also been revealed. The opinion formulated proposals to improve the effectiveness of legal changes in the sphere of business law of Russia in connection with the integration processes of the EAEU, as well as the opinion on the need to consider the issue of giving the EAEU Court the power to resolve disputes of economic entities of the EAEU member states (international arbitration court). Attention is also drawn to the need for closer cooperation between national executive, legislative, judicial and law enforcement authorities.

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About the authors

Larisa Ivanovna Cherkesova

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: l5060412@mail.ru
PhD (Law), Lead Researcher in the Sector of Business and Corporate Law Moscow, Russia


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