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Vol 13, No 6 (2020)


Humanization of national law in the direction of globalization

Makogon B.V., Nikonova L.I.


Based on the analysis of a wide range of sources, this article presents the author's position on the characterization and assessment of the trend of humanization of the national law of the Russian Federation in the General and legal processes of globalization. Russian law, acutely reacting to globalization, shows both the tendencies inherent in modern law as a whole, and the consequences that reveal the dialectic of unity and struggle of opposites against the background of the current and iconic crisis of revolutions, which the author considers appropriate to speak about in view of the permanent viral proclamation of "transition periods". Formally and legally justified trends of humanization in Russian realities naturally lead to the question: humanization for the sake of man, or man for humanization?
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):15-20
pages 15-20 views

Problems of rulemaking on the example of analysis of specific regulations

Silchenko R.N.


The purpose of the research presented in this article is to develop recommendations for improving the rule-making process in the Russian Federation. To do this, the author of the article had identified problems arising from the implementation of the legislative process in modern Russia in the existing conditions (load entities standard-setting activities, technical capabilities used by them in the exercise of rulemaking). Based on the analysis of some normative acts (standardization documents, laws), the study identifies possible causes of such problems and considers possible ways to solve them. According to the author, the priority problem is significant time spent on the development of intersectoral regulations, which is associated with the involvement of specialists in different fields and difficulties in interaction between them. The problem of predicting the functioning of certain norms was also identified. Another problem is the lack of understanding of certain laws by law enforcement entities due to the linguistic complexity of constructing a law containing a legal norm. The existence of these problems is confirmed by an analysis of some regulations, their frequency of change, structure, and adoption process. The study revealed the lack of application of the capabilities of artificial intelligence technologies in the course of standard-setting activities on the part of its subjects and determined the relationship of this factor with the described difficulties. The author points out the possibility of reducing the described problems, provided that the appropriate software is developed. The evaluation of existing developments in the field of artificial intelligence, currently underway in the Russian Federation and the possibility of their implementation in the standard-setting process. Conclusions are drawn about the need to use modern technologies in the development of regulations, as this can significantly affect the simplification and acceleration of the process.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):21-26
pages 21-26 views

International human rights risks: universal level

Markhgeym M.V., Novikova A.E.


This article presents and describes human rights risks at the international universal level. The relevance of the research is mediated by the strategic objectives of creating an unshakable human rights status of the Russian Federation. This implies the existence of a solidary and secure human rights space, creatively supported by all the resources and means intended for this purpose, including international law. To identify the stated human rights risks, the authors analyzed the institutions of the international system for the protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as the procedures and norms that define them. It is established that by the parameter of the role of the state in the emergence of international human rights risks, we distinguish between their direct and indirect varieties. In the diversity of species, almost all human rights risks of a universal level are correlated with General trends in international law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):27-31
pages 27-31 views

The principle of proportionality as an effective tool for the protection of electoral rights

Aleshkova I.A., Filatova A.O.


The purpose of the work is to analyze the practice of implementing the principle of proportionality in the field of electoral legal relations. The authors set the task to show the features of the practical significance of the principle of proportionality. As a result of the study, the authors emphasize that there is a normative, interpretive and procedural relationship between the constitutional principles of electoral law and the principle of proportionality, which ensures effective protection of electoral rights. Through the principles, as regulators of public relations, it is possible to effectively implement the concept of the rule of law. In the modern period, it is the principles, as universal regulators of social relations that have an integrative nature, that can allow maintaining the parity of interests in the chain of man-society-public power, where man is the highest value and create a model of sustainable development of legal regulation. The authors emphasize that the importance of the principle of proportionality as an effective tool for protecting electoral rights is constantly growing.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):32-37
pages 32-37 views

The study of the theoretical issues of implementation of social commerce: legal opinion on the risks for the consumer

Belikova K.M.


The article examines the theoretical issues of implementing of social commerce through the prism of legal risk assessment of consumers involved, where social commerce is understood as electronic sales (e-commerce) using social networks to support social interactions and user participation on the principle of “words spread from mouth to mouth”. Among these risks the author points out the problem of obtaining complete and reliable objective (neutral) information from various sources (bloggers, influencers, etc.), which causes concerns similar to those that arise in connection with the functioning and application of smart contracts in the blockchain, and the danger of concluding contracts that have traditionally been qualified by many legal systems as “contracts concluded on the go” (impulse buying) in the light of the idea that social commerce is positioned as being aimed at instant gratification of the user's needs, desires, and interests that have arisen during the use of the social network. Legal and other ways to overcome these risks are considered (for example, the possibilities of a new subscription economy, etc. Scientific novelty is determined by the goal of the article itself and the range of issues under consideration. The conclusions reached by the author are, in particular, that it is established that if the requirements for advertising placed online relate to its completeness, reliability and objectivity, fix measures of responsibility for advertisers, then the rules for conducting online trading and commerce include simultaneously with such provisions prohibitions of unfair practices and misleading advertising, as well as criteria for their qualification, etc.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):38-48
pages 38-48 views

Investments in agriculture at digitalization period: situation analysis

Shpinev Y.S.


Attracting investment in the real sector of the economy is currently an urgent task for any state. One of the most important areas of the economy of any state is agriculture. Currently, the process of of agriculture is beginning, as a result of which the productivity of the industry should significantly increase. The article deals with investment risks that are unique to the agro-industrial complex, which include both natural and economic risks. Objective: to identify the problems of legal regulation of investment relations in agriculture during its digitalization. To achieve this goal, scientific approaches to the issue of digitalization of agriculture are analyzed, investment policy in agriculture in developed countries is considered and compared with the state of domestic investment policy in the agro-industrial complex. Attention is drawn to the shortcomings of the legal regulation of investment relations in agriculture in Russia. In conclusion, it is concluded that until the main gaps in legal regulation are resolved (transparency of investment and stability of tax legislation, real benefits and compensation to investors and enterprises investing directly in e-agriculture, strict regulatory consolidation of the rules for using the latest scientific achievements and innovative technologies in agriculture, etc.), it will be quite problematic to attract private investors to this sector of the economy, and the difficult economic situation may prevent full digitalization only at the expense of public investment.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):49-54
pages 49-54 views

EAEU integration processes as a factor influencing the transformation of Russian business legislation

Cherkesova L.I.


The processes taking place in the modern world allow us to say that interstate integration is actively developing, and as a result, similar processes are observed in the sphere of law. In this regard, it is clear that there is a need to reflect and identify general trends in the transformation of Russian legislation under the influence of integration processes. This article attempts to identify the relationship between legal and economic integration, to determine the role and place of the EAEU integration processes in the ongoing changes in Russian business legislation, and to formulate proposals to improve the effectiveness of legal integration. First of all, it is necessary to understand the nature of the process, and the historical, legal and economic aspects of integration within the EAEU are monitored and analyzed. In addition, the results of a detailed analysis of both the regulatory component, in terms of the regulation of economic spheres, and the positions of a number of researchers of integration processes, which allowed to draw an unequivocal conclusion about the high degree of influence of the EAEU integration processes on the business legislation of the Russian Federation. Trends in the impact of the EAEU Court on legal integration and, as a result, on the transformation of Russian law have also been revealed. The opinion formulated proposals to improve the effectiveness of legal changes in the sphere of business law of Russia in connection with the integration processes of the EAEU, as well as the opinion on the need to consider the issue of giving the EAEU Court the power to resolve disputes of economic entities of the EAEU member states (international arbitration court). Attention is also drawn to the need for closer cooperation between national executive, legislative, judicial and law enforcement authorities.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):55-61
pages 55-61 views

Regulatory sandboxes and their impact on the business law industry of the Russian Federation in the context of theoretical and practical aspects of legal experiment

Borozdina M.S.


This legal study is an attempt by the author to conduct a full analysis of the Federal Law «On experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation in the Russian Federation», which has not yet entered into force, as well as his satellite laws introducing into the legal system experimental legal regimes in the face of regulatory sandboxes, in order to determine their impact and significance on the development of the industry of domestic business law, and, in particular, on the legislation of the Russian Federation on entrepreneurship. As a conclusion, it is noted that the Federal Law "On Experimental Legal Regimes in the Field of Digital Innovations in the Russian Federation", as well as those acts that ensure the implementation of the objectives that it lays down (satellite laws and acts of state authorities, the creation of which is directly delegated by this federal law) are aimed not only at creating favorable conditions for the development of digital innovation in the Russian Federation, but also at developing the industry of domestic entrepreneurs. It is also noted that such development is also ensured by granting legal and regulatory powers, first of all, to the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as to a number of other federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which in turn tells us about the increasing development of the concept of delegated lawmaking in our country, as well as localization and detailing of legal regulation in the spheres of economic activity depending on its specifics.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):62-67
pages 62-67 views

On the legal nature of social entrepreneurship

Netesova M.S.


Purpose of research. The article presents the results of research on the legal nature of social entrepreneurship as a new legal phenomenon that emerged at the intersection of business and social legislation, and proved its relevance in the context of socio-economic crises in recent years. The article considers the essential features of social entrepreneurship that distinguish it from classical entrepreneurial activity, as well as other legal institutions that are close to social entrepreneurship in their content. Conclusions. A more precise description of the nature and properties of social entrepreneurship, its difference from similar concepts in content or sound, is presented. This analysis allows us to draw intermediate conclusions about the effectiveness of the current legislation, as well as formulate proposals for improving its regulatory legislation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Financial and legal aspects of ensuring the protection of the political, economic, financial sovereignty of the state in the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on July 4, 2020

Petrova G.V., Stupakov V.I.


Introduction. The article examines in a broad context the scientific understanding of the content of "state sovereignty". It is shown that the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 04.07. solve a set of tasks to ensure the protection of the political, economic, financial sovereignty of the state, strengthen the constitutional and legal institutions of state regulation of defense, socio-economic development, financing of social development and entrepreneurship projects, cultural and educational, scientific and technical, innovative and other socially significant activities state. Materials and methods. The article analyzes the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, amended on 07/04/2020, and legislative acts on the procedure for their discussion and entry into force. Based on the theoretical works of Russian scientists, the authors consider the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation as measures to protect the political, economic, and financial sovereignty of the Russian state, constituting a single constitutional and legal institution of "state sovereignty". The greatest attention is paid to the financial and legal aspects of protecting sovereignty from various threats, where the defense-strategic budget, international legal protection of the financial interests of the Russian Federation, socio-economic and project-budget financing are of particular importance. Results. An analysis of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shows that the state protects its sovereignty by implementing a set of state security measures, including defense, financial, information, environmental, cultural and educational security, which are based on the supremacy of federal laws on strategic development with budgetary financing of the state without the intervention of external forces. New constitutional and legal norms have strengthened the factors of ensuring security, socializing the role of the state, financializing the economy, greening, digitalizing law to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Discussion and conclusions. Being essentially a state-legal or constitutional-legal category, the concept of "ensuring the protection of sovereignty" includes a variety of areas of external and internal activities of the state, requiring political, defense-strategic, economic, financial measures to ensure their security and receiving them from the state.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):74-81
pages 74-81 views

Financial control over procurement activities under Chinese and Russian laws: comparative analysis

Konovalova Z.A., Myakhanova A.N., Dondokova M.Y.


The article examines the features of the public procurement system in the People’s Republic of China, highlights the key provisions of the legislation. The priorities of the state policy of the PRC in the field of public procurement were noted. Chinese legislation contains a number of provisions that can be taken into account when improving Russian legislation. The Chinese legislation, in contrast to the Russian, is more laconic, does not have a reference character, etc. In connection with the foregoing, it is obvious the urgency of further conduction a comparative legal analysis of the legislation of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation in the field of procurement. Purpose: To identify the similarities and differences in the conduct of financial control, as well as the application of measures of responsibility for crimes in the implementation of procurement activities in the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. Conclusions obtained in the course of the study: The laws of both countries indicate the forms of financial control. The PRC legislation governing procurement reflects the types of violations and measures of responsibility for violations in the field of procurement, while in Russia the types of violations and measures of responsibility are specified in the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In Russian legislation, an incomplete list of terms is indicated, in contrast to the legislation of the PRC, etc.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):82-87
pages 82-87 views

Criminal misconduct within the Russian criminal code

Nikita I.G.


The article is devoted to considering the question of the expediency of inclusion in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation criminal offense. The debate on this issue has a long history of more than a century. Nevertheless, the doctrine, as well as in the framework of practical law enforcement agencies, sporadically judge the addition of the Criminal Code to a new phenomenon, which, in the opinion of the spoken, will reflect a minor public danger of acts subject to the aegis of criminal misconduct. However, there is no noteworthy argument to accept the view that such a phenomenon as a criminal offence is necessary. The article offers criticisms about doctrinal considerations on criminal misconduct and draft proposals submitted on behalf of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the same topic.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):88-92
pages 88-92 views

Medical criminal law in Russian federation: problems and prospects for development

Serebrennikova A.V.


The current state of medical services has long become one of the most important issues of understanding what exactly should serve as a template for their required quality, and why, the role and responsibility of a medical worker are not always considered as the main factors in resolving a situation when the life and health of a patient were exposed to unjustified danger. The article is devoted to the author's new approach to the criminal law regulation of public relations in the field of medical services. Purpose of the article: The author aims to present a scientific approach and scientific substantiation of the possibility of the emergence in the future of a new sub-branch of criminal law - medical criminal law. Methodology and methods: the article uses methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, as well as the method of interpretation of legal norms, which make it possible to better comprehend the institutions of criminal law and highlight a new branch of law Conclusions: the problem of the presence of imperfections in the current legislation is relevant to study, as evidenced by judicial practice in criminal cases, discussions and works of legal scholars. The author, citing examples from practice, draws attention to the density of the relationship between the sphere of medical services and other related services, and also draws parallels between the grounds that can and should cause the emergence of the considered branch of law. Application of the results: The article is intended for the widest range of readers, including undergraduate and graduate students of higher educational institutions, who study the problems and imperfections of the current criminal law. The material can be used as a guide for the preparation of practical and seminars.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):93-97
pages 93-97 views

Some features of the implementation of the goals of criminal executive legislation in the implementation of criminal law measures for the prevention of drug addiction

Rastoropov S.V., Tatarinov A.V.


The article is devoted to the implementation of criminal-legal measures for the prevention of drug addiction. The authors focus on the correlation between the goals of criminal punishment and criminal-legal measures to prevent drug addiction. The results obtained allow us to conclude that there is no unified approach to the formation of the organizational and legal basis for the activities of the subjects of the execution of the decision to undergo a course of treatment, as well as medical and / or social rehabilitation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):98-102
pages 98-102 views

Differentiation of inducement to commit suicide or assistance to commit suicide with other crimes

Borovikov V.B., Borovikova V.V.


The purpose of this article is to show the criteria for differentiating inducement to commit suicide or assistance to commit suicide (article 110.1 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation) with other crimes (incitement to suicide; organization of activities aimed at inducing suicide; involvement of a minor in committing actions that pose a danger to the life of a minor). Conclusions obtained in the course of the study. Based on the results of this study, recommendations are formulated for the qualification of the above-mentioned acts. The scientific significance of the publication is that it makes a certain contribution to the development of the theory of criminal law on countering suicidal phenomena that are widespread in the Russian Federation. The practical significance of the article is that it offers recommendations on the qualification of acts under article 110.1 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, which will contribute to the correct application of this criminal law norm.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):103-106
pages 103-106 views

The influence of "living law" on the formation of criminal legislation

Kazakova V.A., Korableva S.Y.


The current state of criminal legislation is considered in terms of the contradictions and gaps, which take place in the text of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the difficulties arising in the process of judicial practice. One of the reasons for this is the existence of the so-called "living law", which fills certain gaps in legislation. The article considers the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in terms of assessing the actions of the subjects of the OSA when conducting private operations. The article substantiates the need for legislative regulation of the exemption from criminal liability of officials and confidants participating in various operational-search activities. Special attention is paid to prompt implementation and controlled delivery. The current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in Chapter 8 does not contain such a circumstance excluding the criminality of the act. The grounds for not bringing such persons to criminal responsibility is the Federal Law of August 12, 1995, No. 144-FZ "On Operational Investigative Activities", which does not meet the principle of legality, an integral feature of which is a unified codification of criminal legislation. The wording of the blanket norm in Chapter 8 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is proposed with a declaration that the forced infliction of harm on interests protected by criminal law in the process of operational-search measures carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Operational-Search Activity" excludes the crime of the act. Such an unspecified formulation will ensure the stability of the criminal law, but it will require a thorough study and regulation of the conditions of legality and the consequences of their violation for each operational-search activity in the Federal Law "On Operational-Search Activity".
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):107-113
pages 107-113 views

Draft new criminal code of the Russian Federation. Special part. Chapter XV. Crimes against the state

Malinin V.B.


This article is a continuation of the series of articles on the draft of the new Criminal Code, developed by the author on the basis of the 35-volume Encyclopedia of Criminal Law published by us, in the writing of which more than 300 scientists from Russia and other countries take part, and the author's study of more than 100 foreign codes ... The concept of the draft of the new code and the first five chapters were published in numbers 4,5,6 for 2017 and 1,2,3 for 2018 of the journal "Library of Criminal Law and Criminology", the sixth chapter - in the 2nd issue, the seventh - in the 3rd and 4th issues for 2018, the eighth chapter - in the 1st and 2nd issues for 2019 of the "Journal of Legal and Economic Research", 3-7 for 2019, 1-3, 4 -5 for 2020. This article is devoted to the fifteenth chapter of the Draft of the new criminal code. It examines crimes against the foundations of the constitutional order and state security.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):114-119
pages 114-119 views

The nature and degree of public danger of crimes encroaching on competition in the field of economic activity

Uvarov M.A., Nosatov Y.N.


The purpose of the presented scientific article is to study the nature and degree of social danger of encroachments on public relations, which are developing due to the economic competition. In this regard, the authors refer to the materials of law enforcement practice, as well as data from judicial statistics. In addition, the analysis of the legislator's approaches to identifying the criminalizing signs of restricting competition has been carried out. The authors focus on such criminalizing signs as: restriction of competition, causing major damage to citizens, organizations or the state, or generating income on a large scale; committing the act repeatedly, etc. It is noted that the social danger of the crimes studied in the article is not limited to the deformation of social relations that develop due to the economic competition. According to the authors, when committing crimes that infringe on competition in the field of economic activity, the interests of consumers are also affected. At the same time, it is noted that the interests of consumers must be recognized not as optional, but as an additional direct object of crimes that encroach on competition in the field of economic activity. Based on the study, it was concluded that the number of registered crimes that infringe on competition in the field of economic activity, as well as the number of persons convicted for their commission clearly do not correspond to the current state of public relations in this area. This is evidence of the high latency of crimes that infringe on competition in the field of economic activity, as well as shortcomings in the legislation on criminal liability for them.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):120-124
pages 120-124 views

Victimological aspects of digitalization of modern Russian society

Gadjieva A.A., Sinodov I.A.


The author of the given article attempts to bring to the scientific discussion new problem- the problem of victimological aspects of digitalization of the modern society. Trying to emphasize the cross-sectoral nature of this problem, the author aims to stress the issues of protection and security of victims of a crime in the conditions of the total digitalization of the society. The research of the problem defines the parity and dualistic nature of the digitalization of the society as an main object of victimological research,at the same time it states that victimological research of the digitalization should be based on the broad concept of "the victim of crime", and its operationally narrow meaning can be applied only for specific types of the computer -related crimes. On the one hand the author figures out that the process of the digitalization is a process of digital innovations, and on the other hand it is a virtual system where both individuals and communities, and also high technologies and computer programs are faced to risks and vulnerabilities. Therefore, the digitalization is a new opportunity for the future generation and at the same time a factor of their subsequent victimization. According to that the author proposes to establish a strict control over digital technologies and to create a specialized body that along with control functions will provide advice and training to the potential victims in order to prevent their victimization in the digital environment. Purpose: to study the impact of the digitalization on the society and nations, to reveal its victimological aspect, to define the victim’s starting point in the digital environment,to identify the specificity of the factors contributing to the victimization and to suggest different ways of ensuring victimological security in the digital society. The research is based using the following methods and techniques of the scientific knowledge: historical, logical, comparative methods, statistical analysis, specific sociological methods: informal conversations with specialists, interviews of victims of crimes of the information environment. The scope of the results. The results of the research can be used in the way of prevention from crimes and law violations in the information environment, in the development of program measures to counteract them, in the pedagogical practice of higher educational institutions, as well as in the educational process on the law faculties.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):125-129
pages 125-129 views

Criminal law risks in the provision of medical care

Ilin D.V.


The article deals with criminal law risks in the activities of health care workers. In contrast to the traditional approach to the study of criminal law prohibitions, the author presents an approach to assessing criminal acts from the perspective of persons who can potentially become their subjects. The main objective of this approach is to clarify the requirements of criminal legislation for medical professionals, distinguish between acceptable and criminal behavior, and thus prevent possible crimes. It is noted that the proper implementation of criminal law norms, including the correct qualification, and law enforcement aimed at preventing crimes in the field of health care are often hindered by the problems of legislative regulation of the relevant elements of crimes, in particular, when determining the criminal status of a medical worker, the form of guilt in specific crimes. As part of the solution of this problem, based on a critical analysis of existing approaches in the science of criminal law, the author formulates his own concept of crimes in the field of health care, describes the problem, studies their legal and social nature, and systematizes such crimes. When a number of so-called iatrogenic crimes are committed, the onset of negative consequences may not be obvious, which creates a false sense of confidence in the medical worker, if not in impunity, then in the conditional legality of their actions. In this regard, the features of the qualification of careless crimes of medical workers are considered. Special attention is paid to the characterization of negligence as one of the most common crimes in the field of health care. The article provides a General description, classification of criminal law risks in the provision of medical care, and recommendations for excluding (minimizing) such risks.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):130-134
pages 130-134 views

Improving crime prevention in correctional institutions

Fakov A.M.


Preventive measures are one of the main areas of crime prevention in the modern world. Effective investigation of criminal acts has a positive effect on the fight against crime in general. In this context, crime prevention among the most vulnerable categories of the population is of particular importance. Such persons include citizens in correctional institutions. Penitentiary crime and its development is a serious problem not only for correctional institutions, but also for Russian society as a whole. As a rule, persons who commit crimes while serving their sentences retain these unlawful intentions after release. The prevalence of unlawful behavior in the penitentiary system is the result of the improvement in criminal activity in Russia as a whole. The purpose of writing a research paper is to analyze the current crime prevention mechanisms in Russian correctional institutions, identify existing problems and determine priority ways to solve them. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve preventive activities in relation to crimes committed in correctional institutions, taking into account the identified vulnerabilities of the Russian penal system and the dynamism of the development of criminal communities. Attention is focused on the importance of a high level of professional knowledge and skills of employees of correctional institutions and the need for engineering and technical support of the process of serving sentences by convicts.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):135-139
pages 135-139 views

«Grave consequences» in crimes against the military service

Akhmedov A.B.


The article examines the problem of assessing "grave consequences" for use in qualifying a crime against military service. Investigated the criminal legislation of some countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the presence of a term that reveals the content of "grave consequences". A regularity has been revealed according to which the circumstances given as examples of the onset of “grave consequences” can independently participate in the qualification of a criminal offense. In this regard, for the correct qualification of a crime in the presence of “grave consequences” in the norm, it is necessary to study the objective and subjective signs of each criminal act that encroaches on both the main and additional objects of criminal law protection. The practice of granting law enforcement agencies discretionary powers to determine the severity of consequences when qualifying a wrongful act was criticized. The author's edition of the term “grave consequences” is proposed.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):140-145
pages 140-145 views

Drug addiction as an element of the club subculture in COVID-19 conditions

Spiridonova N.I.


Task: to define the concept of drug addiction as an element of the club subculture, to consider and evaluate the effectiveness of restrictive measures taken by the state during the pandemic, to study the impact and influence of coronavirus infection COVID-19 on drug addiction, as an element of the club subculture. Conclusions: this article defines the concept of drug addiction as an element of the club subculture, analyzes the influence of coronavirus infection COVID-19 on drug addiction, as an element of the club subculture, establishes the insufficiency of measures taken by the state to combat drug addiction, as an element of the club subculture in COVID-19 conditions. Significance: the analysis carried out in the framework of this study can be used in further research on this topic, as well as in the framework of improving measures to combat drug addiction, as an element of the club subculture.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):146-150
pages 146-150 views

The phenomenon of obviousness and uncertainty of an objective approach to understanding the corpus delicti through the prism of the views of scientists of the late 19th - early 21st centuries

Komyagin R.A.


Today, it seems possible to state the presence of dualism within the general doctrine of the corpus delicti. In contrast to the «normative», the representatives of the objectivist approach consider the corpus delicti, along with the crime, as a real phenomenon. Namely, only a system of elements and signs embodied in objective reality can form the composition of a specific crime committed. The presented understanding makes it possible to determine the corpus delicti as the only basis for criminal liability, as well as to build the correlation between the crime and the corpus delicti as one-order categories. However, a detailed study and critical analysis of the works of scientists, representatives of this approach, allow us to point out a number of problems that indicate its theoretical incompleteness, and as a consequence, requiring study and improvement. As a result, the author of the article presents the key points in the evolution of scientific thought about the formation and development of an objectivist approach to understanding the corpus delicti from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century, allowing you to get a holistic view of its phenomenon, including both obvious and contradictory aspects. Subject of research: norms of the current criminal legislation, which are based on the category of corpus delicti, published scientific works (article, monographs) and educational materials devoted to the general doctrine of the corpus delicti. Purpose: the formation in the science of criminal law of a system understanding of the phenomenon of an objective approach to understanding the corpus delicti, its main provisions and controversial aspects, aimed at overcoming the existing and achieving a unified understanding of the corpus delicti. Conclusion: Since, within the framework of the objectivist approach, the corpus delicti, the elements and features that form its structure, are considered as real phenomena, it becomes possible to structure a specific crime, as well as to establish the basis of criminal liability. However, a number of provisions do not allow to recognize this vision of the corpus delicti as devoid of contradictions.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):151-155
pages 151-155 views

Legal regulation of the status of an expert in criminal proceedings in the Russian Federation

Taova L.Y., Tolgurova Z.H.


In this article, the authors consider the procedure for involving an expert as a participant in criminal proceedings at the stage of preliminary investigation and trial. The involvement of an expert as a participant in the criminal process is not necessary for every stage of the consideration of the case, however, this participant plays a key role when considering controversial issues and allows you to bring the truth into the criminal case. By examining the conclusions given in the expert's opinion, it is possible to establish the person's attitude to the crime committed, even if there is no other evidence in the criminal case. When an expert is involved in a criminal process, there is a procedural procedure for such involvement, as well as a form for formalizing the results obtained from an expert, which is an “expert opinion”. When drawing up the expert opinion itself, there are also rules and features that are regulated by the research production methods. This is the subject of this article. In addition, it is worth finding out who can be involved as an expert, what documents must confirm the status of an expert and in which departments the activities of expert services are organized. Objective: - study of a legal issue related to the involvement of an expert in the process of criminal proceedings, with the possibility of further use of the data obtained when making a final decision in a criminal case. Work tasks: - studying the concept of "expert" to establish the limits of participation in criminal proceedings; - study of the norms of criminal procedural law governing the involvement of an expert as a participant in criminal proceedings; - Consideration of issues within the competence of an expert and registration of the results of involving an expert in criminal proceedings.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):156-159
pages 156-159 views

New form of special procedure in criminal cases

Mamedov R.Y.


The article analyzes the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, introduced by the Federal Law of July 20, 2020 N224-FZ, which cancels the possibility of considering in a special order criminal cases on serious crimes with the consent of the accused with the charge brought. The expediency of the amendments made is stated, but at the same time, attention is drawn to the difficulties that the new order will inevitably entail. In connection with the abolition of the special order for serious crimes, the need is expressed to develop a mechanism for mitigating the liability of persons who have committed serious crimes, but fully admit their guilt, since humane punishment contributes to the accused's admission of their guilt and repentance for what they have done, including the introduction of a different order, providing for a compromise of the form criminal proceedings and the functioning of the protection regime of the rights of participants in criminal proceedings.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):160-163
pages 160-163 views

About relationship between definitions of bases and conditions for the termination of the criminal case and criminal prosecution

Kucherov G.N.


The article highlights the conditions associated with the establishment of essential circumstances, provided by the law of evidence, and the conditions associated with the expression in the criminal process of the legal position on the termination of the criminal case and criminal prosecution by the participant. On the basis of the classification of conditions and the thesis on the content of the legal base for the termination of a criminal case, which was previously justified in the theory of criminal procedure, proposed in the article, the author proposes a doctrinally new concept of a discretionary criminal procedural basis for termination of a criminal case and criminal prosecution.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):164-167
pages 164-167 views

On the concept of foundation to institute criminal proceedings

Mironov V.V.


The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of defining the concept of grounds for initiating a criminal case, its meaning and correlation with the concept of grounds for criminal liability. The author considers these concepts from the point of view of the existing relationship between criminal procedure and criminal law, criminal prosecution and criminal liability. The purpose of the study is to form and substantiate a proposal to improve the legal regulation of the concept of grounds for initiating a criminal case, aimed at ensuring the requirement of legal certainty in terms of the circumstances on the basis of which the relevant procedural decision is made. The Results. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that at present the legislative regulation of the concept of grounds for initiating a criminal case does not have the necessary certainty and completeness, does not take into account the existence of systemic links with criminal law regarding the relationship with the definition of the basis of criminal responsibility, and that it is advisable to include information confirming the event of a crime and the presence of signs of a certain crime in the committed act (inaction), including the absence of circumstances excluding the criminality of the act.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):168-172
pages 168-172 views

Operational-search support for the disclosure of sexual crimes against minors

Grishin A.G.


Purpose of research. In the article the questions of crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of minors and juveniles, statistical data, provides information of the American psychiatric Association (DSM-IV), which gives the medical definition of pedophilia (as recurring sexual fantasies, impulsive desires, or behaviors involving sexual acts with minors and minors, including those under the age of puberty), was given the tracking characteristics of the perpetrators of sexual crimes, describes the main article, related to crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of minors and juveniles, in accordance with the Criminal code of the Russian Federation in connection with further investigation and disclosure of crimes committed for sexual motives, involves the implementation of initial investigative actions and operative-investigative measures to establish the whereabouts and the identity of the offender, considers developed practice of operational-investigative counteract sexual offences, the concept of sexual interest on the part of a criminal to a potential victim, the procedure for collecting material evidence, the promotion of working versions, the organization of involvement in order to solve operational problems, the involvement of the media is given. Conclusions: As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to study the nature and personality of a person who commits sexual crimes against minors and minors in more detail in order to carry out effective prevention of such crimes. The author concludes that in the operational-search support for the disclosure of sexual crimes against minors and minors, employees of operational divisions carry out operational-search activities aimed at identifying the identity of the criminal.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):173-179
pages 173-179 views

Peculiarities of concept of the operatively search activities result

Gorbanev V.M., Korolev A.S.


Purpose of research. The article deals with the features of such elements of the content of operational search activities as the concept of the result of ORD and its use. The authors study the essential content and legal regime of regulating the implementation of public and secret events and the results obtained. The article describes such important features that characterize the results of operational search activities as documentation, which is based on operational search information. Enough detail the authors substantiate the fact that the results of the OSA constituting a state secret, are not legally relevant evidence, which in turn is confirmed by the provisions of the definition of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation, which established that the results of carrying out quickly-search actions are not evidence, but merely information about the sources of those facts which, being obtained in compliance with legal requirements, can be Conclusions: As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to study the nature and nature of special features that determine the content of the concept of operational search activity and its results in more depth and detail. It seems that the conclusion that documenting the results of operational search activities, methods and means is an important element of the concept of the result of the ORD is legally justified.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):180-184
pages 180-184 views

Problems of forensic examination of documents affected by aggressive factors

Mamontov A.V.


Forensic examination of documents is one of the most demanded areas of forensic examination today. The level of development of science and technology requires experts to master new knowledge from related sciences, incl. materials science, and the development of new methodological approaches in solving the assigned tasks. Classical approaches often do not give the desired effect and the production of expertise becomes more like a scientific research, associated with the solution of heuristic problems, the search for fundamentally new approaches, the analysis of features that have not been given due attention before. A paper-based document is an object of a complex material nature. Elements of a complex composition of paper and dyes interact with each other and with various environmental factors, form a special trace pattern that constantly changes over time. This important feature of documents opens up new opportunities for solving a whole range of examination sub-tasks and individual expert problems. The article raises general theoretical questions of the study of documents that have undergone changes as a result of the impact of various environmental factors. A list of tasks to be solved is provided.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):185-187
pages 185-187 views

Interaction of the investigator with other participants conducting criminal prosecution

Vlezko D.A., Shatskaya A.P., Moroz E.S.


The aim of this work is to study the interaction of the investigator, organizing and managing the investigation of the criminal case, with a number of bodies whose powers include assisting the investigator in the investigation of the criminal case, which may themselves be subjects of knowledge coordinating their actions with the investigator. The task is to consider certain problematic issues that arise during the interaction of the investigator with other participants in the investigation, and suggest areas for their possible resolution. The research methodology is represented by the comparative legal method and scientific analysis. The results of the study can be used for further scientific work and research. Of particular value is the work for individuals who specialize in studying the interaction of the investigator with other participants in the criminal prosecution.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):188-192
pages 188-192 views

Specific features of conducting investigative actions in the Arctic

Ryvkin S.Y., Turov G.S., Berova D.M.


He article discusses the features of investigative actions in the Arctic. The purpose of the study is to establish and identify the features of investigative actions in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. This is necessary for the quality of preliminary investigation of crimes committed in the Arctic territory in order to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. Conclusions. As a result of this study, the authors propose: to create an independent investigatory management SK of the Russian Federation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; to consider when carrying out search-educational, investigative and legal actions in the Arctic features climate-geographical, social, organizational, procedural and technical-criminalistic nature; to include in the composition of forces and means of using special icebreaker vessels, vessels of icebreaking type; to use the forensic technique of satellite communication; to attract specialists and experts from military units and also develop mobile criminal investigation groups; to form in educational institutions of legal profile, including in the Military University MO RF program on preparing and conducting inspections of the water surface and the mainland and archipelagos of permafrost, snow and ice cover, and investigations in the Arctic; when conducting inspections, use topographic, sea maps, satellites, balloons, unmanned aerial vehicles, and robotic equipment that allow for both discrete and conventional surveys; it is proposed to strengthen the forensic equipment of investigative units with positioning devices for determining coordinates by translating them from quasi-coordinates; use indirect methods of conducting investigative actions with reconstruction of the situation; use in verbal investigative actions telecommunications forensic software systems in the video conference format, using identity authentication tools.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):193-196
pages 193-196 views

Information terrorism is a threat to national security in the context of digitalization

Aloeva A.A., Aloev I.A., Zhukov A.Z.


Information terrorism is one of the pressing problems of the modern information society at the state level. The purpose of this article is to consider the problem of information terrorism in the context of one of the key threats to national security in the context of digitalization of all processes. Ensuring national security is an issue that requires active government regulation. But in modern conditions the problem of solving information problems arises. The relevance of the presented research topic is obvious, since the development of information and innovative technologies also leads to changes in the methods of terrorist organizations. Terrorist organizations are studying and actively introducing information tools that allow them to reach a wider audience to promote ideas of a terrorist and extremist nature. In addition, the use of these technologies allows them to expand their geography for carrying out illegal actions and activities. The indicated tendencies concern both individual states and the world community as a whole. The fight against information terrorism is becoming one of the key directions of state policy in the framework of ensuring national security. According to the results of the theoretical study, it is obvious that in the era of mass digitalization and informatization, the emergence and active development of a new type of terrorism leads to an increase in national security risks. Reducing the negative impact of a factor of this nature and, in general, increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the national security system is possible only with an integrated approach, state control and within the framework of international cooperation. Since the development of information terrorism has no territorial boundaries, which creates a number of global problems.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):197-201
pages 197-201 views

Sources of administrative enforcement rules in the Old Testament legislation (based on the analysis of the Book of Leviticus of the Moses Pentateuch)

Ivanov D.V.


This article examines the issues related to the sources of administrative coercion norms in the old Testament legislation by analyzing the main provisions of the book of Leviticus of the mosaic Pentateuch. In many ways, this book is a source, first of all, of the religious and legal order, and is related to the system of state administration. But at the same time, such a provision of legal prescriptions characteristic of the Hebrew society becomes the normative basis for many other systems, including administrative ones. Since the law itself includes coercive measures, this feature can be seen in the very first normative act on earth, namely the old Testament. Of course, these regulations are simple in their structure, in the way they are presented, and in the subjects to which they are directed. But already at this stage of the birth of the institution of law, we can conclude that they are necessary both for public administration and for citizens themselves. And fixing at the very beginning of the Bible suggests that the first people on earth had a need for ordering various actions and in combination with morals, life values and culture.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):202-206
pages 202-206 views

On the issue of state regulation of companies with state participation

Pavlyuk A.V., Veryga V.L.


In the article, the authors analyze the existing legal gaps and problems of public administration that arise in the framework of state regulation of corporations with state participation. The relevance of this article is due to the fact that in connection with the economic sanctions imposed in 2014 against the Russian Federation, civil servants, managers and owners of large enterprises, the Russian Federation suffered multibillion-dollar economic losses. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic that broke out in 2019 has worsened the economic situation in Russia. According to the authors, it is corporations with state participation that can become the locomotive that will help solve the stagnation in the economy. However, to do this, it is necessary to review the existing approaches to state regulation of corporations with state participation. The authors analyzed the prerequisites for improving state regulation of corporations with state participation, which set the "corridor" of possible improvements. The authors also give specific proposals that can improve the effectiveness of state regulation of corporations with state participation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):207-212
pages 207-212 views

Risk of committing acts of illegal intervention on objects of a transport complex

Stolbina L.V., Volkov P.A., Golubyatnikova Y.Y.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the nature and content of the risk of committing an act of illegal interference both at transport infrastructure facilities and at transport facilities, as well as to reveal its dual nature. Where we compare the subjective and objective components, the dangers (threats) and expectations of a significant socio-economic effect, multi-variation in solving the tasks and deviation from certain actions in achieving the goals. The article also presents the risk classification of vehicles used in activities of territorial bodies of the MIA of Russia on transport, consisting of risk protection of property from criminal attacks and risk of committing acts of unlawful interference, which in turn has a branched structure, which includes the risk of inaction, risk of a wrongful action, the risk of a terrorist act. Each of them is detailed and contains its own subspecies of risk. For effective risk management, it is proposed to use a risk passport, the content of which consists of an area, criteria, and measures to minimize risk. The article pays special attention to the consideration of the risk of committing a terrorist act on railway rolling stock, which is detected by the patrol service when patrolling and conducting operational search activities. The main tools for minimizing this type of risk are prevention, observation, orientation, warning, inspection and inspection with the use of technical means, information, the use of service dogs, and the use of drawings. The article also presents the features of the transport complex.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):213-218
pages 213-218 views

Rule of law and fair justice: theory and practice-proven. Review of the monograph "Justice and law" /Dr of law, prof. Averina A.V., Assoc. prof. PhD at Law Groza Yu. A. (Averina Yu. A.). - Vladimir, Vladimir branch of RANEPA, 2019. - 436

Fokov A.P.


The authors of the monograph studying the doctrinal constitutional provisions of the separation of powers in modern Russia in the course of the study made a reliable conclusion that the main task of solving this problem is to ensure fair justice by the court, regardless of political and economic situation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):219-222
pages 219-222 views

Measures to prevent violence against government officials

Esenbulatova E.H., Isaev G.M.


Violence that is used against persons who are engaged in full-fledged state-management activities in public authorities, and in local governments that perform various state and public functions, should be seen not only as violence or the threat of its use against a person who is engaged in political activities, a member of society, but primarily as an attack on state authority. The main purpose of this study is to conduct criminal-legal and criminological analysis of violence against a person engaged in political activity, representative government, citizen companies, as well as the development of programmes and proposals on improving prevention activities. Also, the purpose of this work is to develop a system of preventive measures aimed at preventing, eliminating, or minimizing the consequences of committing crimes against government officials. The main role in this direction is assigned to economic, political, social and organizational measures, but we have proposed a new set of preventive measures that could be used in their practical activities by law enforcement officers. To improve the effectiveness of measures to prevent offences in this area, proposals for improving the criminal legislation, and a proposed adjusted revision of article 318 of the criminal code providing for the imposition of liability for the use of violence against individuals engaged in political activity.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):223-226
pages 223-226 views

Criminal legal support of the procedure for carrying out notarial activities

Akhmedkhanova S.T., Gamzaev H.P., Bakhshaliev E.F.


The notary, regardless of the form of implementation on the basis of public or private principles, is a law enforcement Agency that ensures the legality of the activities of participants in civil turnover, legally representing the rights of citizens, organizations, society and the state, as well as subjects of other legal relations. A notary is an activity that needs to develop certain concepts of improvement in the interpretation of the notary's activity itself. The notary public, as an established social and legal institution, is a self - sufficient body recognized as an independent object of criminal law protection. Therefore, in the course of the study, we will identify the range of socially dangerous acts that can be criminalized, in order to make certain adjustments and amendments to the criminal legislation. We also draw attention to the activities of a public notary to conduct a comparative analysis with an official in order to determine the similarity in the direction of their powers. The object of the research is a set of public relations that arise in the criminal law provision of private and state notarial activities. In the research process define the circumstances conditions and the necessity of providing notarial activities as an institution of criminal law protection, and thus abandon the differentiated approach of the criminal-law assessment of the committed acts according to their legal status and the scope of acts committed in notarial activities subject to criminalization. Based on our research, we have developed proposals for improving the criminal law mechanism for implementing notarial actions, and developing certain recommendations for applying the rules of liability in case of violations committed by notaries.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):227-229
pages 227-229 views

Procedure for implementation of prosecutor's supervision over the activities of bodies of inquiry at the stage of preliminary investigation

Akhmedkhanova S.T., Huseynov N.A.


Despite major changes that have occurred in the structural and systemic development of law enforcement agencies, especially in the activities of law enforcement officers in connection with the entry into force of the Federal law "on the police", the significant role of the Prosecutor's Supervisory function as a means of ensuring law and order in the fight against crime has remained. Given the fact that in 2007, investigators separated from the Prosecutor's office system and formed an independent structure of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the power of supervising the activities of investigators was differentiated, and the supervision of investigative bodies in the field of ensuring the fight against crime became dominant. The production of Prosecutor's supervision over the activities of bodies of inquiry is so significant that we can talk about the emergence of such a concept as "Prosecutor's inquiry". The procedural activity of investigative bodies in the field of crime prevention is determined by the nature and degree of Supervisory activities carried out by the Prosecutor's office. In this regard, we consider it necessary to conduct a study of the quality of the activities of the bodies of inquiry, to identify existing problems, if necessary, the relationship with the Prosecutor's office, in order to develop proposals aimed at improving the criminal procedure legislation in the field of procedural Prosecutor's supervision of the investigation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):230-233
pages 230-233 views

Criminal law analysis of the disposition of the norm on a crime that infringes on the authors ' personal non-property rights

Esenbulatova E.H., Karachaev S.G.


On the basis of part 1 of article 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every person living on the territory of our country is granted and guaranteed freedom in the implementation of their literary, scientific, artistic, and technical developments. Ensuring the security and integrity of intellectual, creative, and technical developments of a person is provided for by criminal legislation. The genius of the human mind is the source of many masterpieces of art, creativity, and inventions. These inventions are a kind of guarantee of ensuring an adequate standard of living for the population. The main task of international and Russian legislation is to create and maintain a level of security for the authors of intellectual property objects. The modern Russian state is on the way to improving a democratic society and a stable legal state with a developed system of economic relations and a high level of social security for citizens. This leads to the realization that intellectual property is the main asset of the country, constantly renewed and increased, in contrast to the richness of the natural environment. Therefore, in order to ensure a normal level of development of public relations in the field of intellectual property, it is necessary to develop a powerful and effective mechanism for protecting copyright holders, providing reliable legal protection against criminal encroachments. The main purpose of the research in this area is to improve the theoretical provisions that ensure the security of copyright and related rights by analyzing the criminal law mechanism and making recommendations for constructive changes in the current legislation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):234-237
pages 234-237 views

Social measures to prevent and prevent criminal violence in the family

Dgamalova B.B., Yusupov I.D.


The problem of ensuring intra-family security in the modern world has gone beyond the boundaries of a separate state, as the implementation of the fight against crime in family relations has become a promising strategy for ensuring and protecting human rights, uniting all state entities. Research in the field of family violence is a dynamically developing area that attracts the attention of many scientists. Deformation of family values, changes in functional orientation, androgynous nature of relationships in the family, changes the existing stereotypes of family relations. The purpose of the research is to formulate a General idea of such a social phenomenon as intra-family criminal violence, analyze all the problems that gave rise to this phenomenon, create a stable social base for effective response to the considered destructive phenomenon, and form a unified state policy aimed at maximizing the protection of families and children based on a steady legislative regulation of all activities.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):238-240
pages 238-240 views

Features improvement of aggravating circumstances stipulated in Art. 290 of the Criminal Code (bribery)

Dgamalova B.B., Omarieva L.S.


The Federal law "on combating corruption" provides that receiving a bribe by an official, that is, monetary remuneration for fulfilling obligations that fall within the framework of organizational, administrative and economic functions, or are not included in his official powers, is one of the forms of corruption. For state authorities, this problem has recently become particularly important, since the main platform for ensuring unshakable democracy, a stable constitutional system, unity, sovereignty, and integrity of state borders is the legal system for building state power. The likelihood of criminal prosecution does not give officials an incentive to law - abiding behavior, which creates the need to review the positions of criminal law influence and improve the disposition of this crime. Only an effective system of legal mechanism of influence generates a force that allows society to counteract corruption crimes. The purpose of the research is to study the criminal-legal basis of the crime under art. 290 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, its qualifying circumstances for the development of a set of proposals for improving legislation, and facilitating the work of law enforcement agencies to prevent corruption-related crimes.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):241-243
pages 241-243 views

Criminal procedure procedures for the state protection of persons who represent the prosecution on the fact of the committed crime

Magomedov G.B., Murtuzov I.N.


Ensuring state protection of individuals and officials involved in the prosecution's procedural activities is the basis for implementing legal and organizational procedures for preventing and preventing threats against individuals and their property. The process of implementing the measures provided for by the legislation is entrusted to a certain number of officials and special state protection bodies. The article deals with the problems associated with the process of ensuring state protection of persons acting in criminal proceedings on the part of the prosecution. The object of the research is a set of social relations that develop in the process of implementing criminal procedure methods for protecting all participants in pre-trial proceedings and judicial proceedings on the part of the prosecution, in order to ensure their personal and property security. The main goal and the actual area of study is, the order of the functions of criminal procedure evidence, and the adoption of certain decisions to improve the mechanism of state protection of all participants in the procedural action by the charges in the adjustment of legal regulation of factual and legal basis of the implementation procedures of state protection of parties to the proceedings, as well as making certain proposals to improve the law enforcement practice officials.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):244-246
pages 244-246 views

Improving the system of social prevention measures preventing corruption in the electoral process

Demirov K.K., Azaeva S.S.


The Security of society is a priority area of state policy, and the problems and threats posed by corruption are among the main tasks of every democratic state. At the UN Convention on corruption, it was emphasized that it is not a local problem, but rather has acquired a transnational significance that affects the country's society and economy. The national security Strategy of our country mentions corruption along with such dangerous crimes as terrorism, extremism, radical public associations, and criminal groups. And the consideration of the corruption phenomenon in conjunction with threats to national security is justified by the negative consequences generated by corruption phenomena. A significant negative consequence of corruption is the destructive impact of this criminal act on the process of statehood formation. The presence of a real threat of corruption affecting the results of elections, the implementation of democratic procedures, hiding the legitimacy of political struggle and the legality of the will of citizens, can lead to the seizure of power in the state. The penetration of corruption into the electoral process poses a threat to the security of the state, its internal and external sovereignty, and therefore conducting research in this area will allow us to create a stable preventive base for protecting electoral relations from criminal corruption attacks. The purpose of the study is to study the main determinants of corruption crime in the electoral process and make a set of proposals for the development of preventive measures.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):247-250
pages 247-250 views

Digital trust environment concept

Vornikova E.D.


The author analyzes problems of formation and interpretation of the concept of a digital trust environment during the development of new technologies. The Russian and foreign approaches to defining the concept of a digital trust environment are analyzed, as well as approaches to establishing its key components. The purpose of the research is to determine the social role of trust through a comprehensive analysis of existing scientific concepts and to form a comprehensive definition of the digital trust environment. The author describes historical and philosophical concepts of understanding the concept of trust and its role in the existence of society and the state. A new definition of the concept of a digital trust environment is proposed. Understanding the concept of a digital trust environment is necessary to create a paradigm of trust in the digital environment and to create an appropriate law in this area. Results. The author makes a conclusion that the digital trust environment can be defined as the infrastructure of public relations that provides identification and authentication of subjects and objects, confidentiality and data security, as well as a high level of protection and protection of the rights of subjects of digital relations. The formation of the concept of a digital trust environment is the result of the informatization and globalization of society, but understanding the concept of a digital environment trust is impossible without a preliminary analysis of philosophical and ethical ideas about trust and related categories (faith, confidence, security, etc.). Due to the comparison of Russian and foreign approaches to defining the concept of a digital environment trust and establishing its key components the Author concluded that the digital trust environment is widely understood abroad as a general principle of secure cooperation. In Russia, the meaning of the concept of a digital trust environment is reduced to identification and authentication of subjects of public relations in the process of electronic interaction.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2020;13(6):251-257
pages 251-257 views

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