Structure of General principles of training in special tactics and fire training in the system of professional education of police officers

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Data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia show that 510.5 thousand crimes were registered in our country in the first quarter of 2020. When comparing this figure with the data for the same period of 2019, it should be noted that the number of crimes increased by 4.0% [1]. The complicated operational situation caused by the growth of the number of crimes committed in our country, as well as the fulfillment of tasks in conditions bordering on extreme and critical, determines the relevance of the topic of this article. The process of development of technical equipment, in particular, the appearance of new types of weapons, special protective and active defense means, engineering and technical means of protection, the specificity of operational and service tasks are the reason for continuous improvement of methods of training tactical and special and fire training in the system of professional education of IAB staff. For this reason, the author of the article reveals general information about the content and peculiarities of the organization of tactical-special and fire training in the form of a system of general principles of training, taking into account the specifics of operational and service activities of IAB. Speaking about tactical-special training, it is necessary to reflect that its theoretical provisions analyze the features, characteristics, as well as the content of emergency circumstances, establish the sources of their occurrence and the situations that led to their occurrence, in addition, considers the logic and algorithm of the use of forces and means of ATC, as well as tactical features of their actions in the conditions of the need to use firearms and special means. In the article, these provisions are systematized and formed based on detailed research and subsequent analysis of IAB experience in various situations, and then implemented by issuing orders, methodological recommendations, textbooks and training manuals. Tactical-special and fire training are the most dynamic branches of special knowledge in the field of law and order, where changes occur the faster the changes in public life, the social structure of society is changing, and the means of armed struggle are improving.

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About the authors

Dalgat Dzhamaludinovich Mukhtarov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Lecturer, Department of Fire Training Nalchik, Russia


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