On some aspects of crime prevention in the Russian Federation in the context of globalization

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The negative trends of globalization have affected the legal system of the Russian Federation. There is a need to bring Russian legislation in line with international law. One of the priority areas of national policy should be the creation of an effective mechanism for protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. In the article under consideration, based on an analysis of the legal literature and legislation of the Russian Federation, several judgments are made: the correlation of globalization and crime is obvious; The Russian Federation, as a subject of international law, is involved in globalization, including through the exacerbation of the criminal situation; when adopting regulatory legal acts regarding globalization, it is also necessary to take into account the negative consequences, in particular, those associated with the criminalization of the most important sectors of the economy; globalization involves the use of exclusively the doctrine of combating crime.

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About the authors

Leon Anatolyevich Tatarov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Email: Lel4993@mail.ru
PhD (Law), police colonel, Deputy Head of the Department of Law Enforcement Organization Nalchik, Russia


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