Personality, society and state in political and legal perceptions of L.I. Petrażycki

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The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to a prominent Russian lawyer, the author of the original psychological law theory L. I. Petrażycki. The paper concerns such political and legal discourse conceptions as personality, society and state, their mutual relations with Law and Power phenomena, considering the interpretation of L. I. Petrażycki’s law ideas. The study is based on the analysis of the original Petrażycki’s texts; it’s taking into account the works of Russian (N. N. Alekseev, E. V. Timoshina, A. A. Zotov etc.) and foreign authors (R. Cotterell, E. Fittipaldi, A. Ferrari, S. Pastorelli, A. J. Treviño etc.). Results. This article shows that the lawyer is shown to ignore the notion of state as a «manufacturer» of legal rules determining the behaviour of a person and society. The emotional and moral origin in a person’s behavior was the main source of law for Petrażycki. Legal norms guiding various social groups as part of the society were guided were of different nature. The author believes that Petrażycki’s search for social perfection, full of love and high morals did not correspond to the real historical moment with its revolutions and fratricidal wars, nationalist moods and cultural decline.

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About the authors

Natalia Yu. Zhukovskaya

Lipetsk State Pedagogical P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University

PhD(History), Associate Professor at the Department of State and Law disciplines Lipetsk, Russian Federation


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