Criminological Characteristics of Fraud at the Present Stage of Public Relations Development

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In the article, the author examines the criminological characteristics of fraud at the present stage of development of public relations, as one of the main components of the criminal legal field, as a means of developing preventive measures to combat crime. The analysis of the legal and regulatory framework governing the assignment of liability for fraudulent actions is made, as well as scientific publications and statistics in the field of criminology and criminal law. The aim of the work was to study aspects of the criminological characteristics of fraud at the present stage of social relations, their characteristics and main features. An analytical study of fraud at the present stage of development of public relations through the prism of criminological characteristics allows us to highlight the growth trends in crimes in the field of property and to draw a conclusion about the importance of the study for the development of preventive measures to combat fraud. The peculiarities of the criminological characteristics of fraud make it possible to highlight the correlation of theoretical criminal - legal aspects with practical ones, namely, the interdependence of the corpus delicti and the assessment of the personal qualities of the offender and the victim, as well as the conditions for the commission of the crime. The author of the article identifies the categories of victims of fraudulent actions and analyzes their personal qualities, as well as analyzes the main qualities of a person committing criminal acts. Analysis of the criminological features of fraud allows us to identify the main subspecies of fraudulent actions and assess the importance of corpus delicti for criminological characteristics at the present stage. The author draws a conclusion about the importance of the criminological characteristics of fraud at the present stage of development of public relations for the development of measures to combat crimes of this category.

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About the authors

Zamir Khasanovich Urusov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police lieutenant colonel, senior lecturer of the Department of law enforcement organization Nalchik, Russia


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