To the Question of Increasing Liability for Illegal Arms Trafficking

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In the modern world, arms trafficking is a global problem for many states. In connection with this, there has been a significant increase in the number of grave and especially grave crimes. However, despite the fact that Russian legislation defines in sufficient detail the specifics of the legal circulation of weapons on the territory of the country, the issues of illegal acquisition and use of weapons go beyond the control system due to the inaccessibility of the implementation of the relevant mechanisms. The main means of combating illicit arms trafficking is the institution of criminal responsibility for criminal acts in this area. Modern criminal practice demonstrates a significant scale of the use of weapons that are in illegal circulation, in connection with which there is currently an urgent need to improve the existing criminal law norms. The purpose of writing a research paper is to identify the need to toughen responsibility for illegal arms trafficking in the Russian Federation and to determine the most promising options for these changes. The author comes to the conclusion that an effective fight against illegal arms trafficking in the Russian Federation is currently presented only in the case of improving the criminal legislation, as well as the practice of applying criminal law norms. The attention is focused on the presence of a number of bills that were introduced in different years. for consideration by the legislature, but were not adopted. In this context, it is noted that the adoption of the last draft law, which is under consideration in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, is promising due to the validity and complexity of the proposals that are formulated in it.

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About the authors

Muradin Mukhamedovich Khamgokov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Cand.Sci.(Law), Police Colonel, head of the department of firepower training Nalchik, Russia


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