International legal aspects of protecting the rights of Russian Paralympic athletes



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The purpose and objectives. The main goal is to find ways to improve the existing international legal mechanisms aimed at providing legal support and directly protecting the rights of Russian Paralympic athletes. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined: to determine the humanistic foundations of international legal protection of the rights of Paralympians, to analyze the international legal institution for the protection of human rights in the context of respect for the rights of Russian Paralympic athletes; to formulate proposals for amendments to international legal documents that prevent violations of the rights of Paralympic athletes. Methodological approach. The main methods in the work are general scientific methods and private scientific methods of cognition, including the comparative legal method, the historical-legal method and the method of legal interpretation. Results and conclusions. The article examines the normative legal acts, international treaties and other legal documents that form the regulatory framework for the implementation and protection of the rights of Paralympic athletes, as well as the practice of their application, and suggests ways to improve the international legal mechanisms for protecting the rights of disabled people and Paralympic athletes. Originality and value. The study is valuable, as it focuses on the consideration of the protection of Russian Paralympic athletes through the prism of the concept of human rights, identifying gaps in the international legal regulation of the rights of Paralympic athletes.




Faid Bayramov

Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics

postgraduate student, Department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law Moscow, Russia


  1. Всеобщая декларация прав человека. Принята резолюцией 217 А (III) Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН от 10 декабря 1948 года. - Преамбула. - URL: ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/declhr.shtml. - Текст: электронный.
  2. Паралимпийская хартия. Устав Международного паралимпийского комитета. - URL: http://www.paralympic. - Текст: электронный.
  3. Международная конвенция о борьбе с допингом в спорте. Принята 19 октября 2005 года. - URL: - Текст электронный.

