Criminological Characterization of Crimes Against Sexual Inviolability and Freedom of the Person as a Factor of Counteracting Crime

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In the article, the author considers the criminological characteristics of crimes against sexual freedom and inviolability of person, as a factor of counteraction to crime. The article analyzes the regulatory and legal framework governing the assignment of responsibility for crimes infringing upon sexual freedom and inviolability of the person as one of the most socially dangerous acts, destructively affecting the normal formation and development of social relations. The aim of the work was to study the aspects of the criminological characteristics of the crimes under the dispositions of chapter 18 of the Criminal Code of the RF, their features from the side of the practical use as a factor in countering crime. When analyzing the main aspects of the criminological characteristics of this category of crimes, the properties of the corpus delicti and specific qualities of criminal encroachment were highlighted, as well as the author speaks about the high level of latency of crimes against sexual freedom and inviolability of the person, as a factor complicating the implementation of measures to counteract crime. The peculiarities of criminological characteristics allow allocating a correlation of theoretical criminal-legal aspects with practical ones, namely interdependence of corpus delicti and evaluation of personal qualities of a criminal and a victim as well as conditions and ways of committing a crime. The author of the article identifies the dependence of ways of committing a crime and personal characteristics of a perpetrator, which allows developing measures of struggle against criminal encroachments violating the rights of a person. The classification of conditions contributing to the crime of this category contributes to the improvement of methods and means of preventive nature, forming a system of counteraction to crime. The author made a conclusion about the importance of criminological characteristics of crimes against sexual freedom and inviolability of a person as a factor in counteracting crime.

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About the authors

Islam Kanshoubievich Animokov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Lecturer of the State and Civil Law Disciplines Department Nalchik, Russia


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