The concept of "cruelty" and its use in the investigation methodology

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The purpose of the study is to analyze the existing approaches to defining the concept of cruelty, its features, establishing cruelty in the qualification of a crime, the use of this concept in the methodology of investigating crimes of certain types, as well as the development of practical recommendations in the investigation of crimes. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research it is established that at the legislative level there is no definition of cruelty in relation to cruelty to animals. In the comments to the criminal code of the Russian Federation, there is a list of signs of actions that constitute cruelty and have entailed corresponding consequences, without interpreting this concept. The author's concept of cruelty in the criminalistic aspect and in relation to the methodology of investigation of cruelty to animals was proposed. It is established that cruelty is a necessary and important feature in the qualification of criminal acts against animals. A classification of methods of cruelty to animals is proposed.

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About the authors

Rustam Ruslanovich Tebiev

Management Academy of MIA Russia

postgraduate student Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


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