Legal liability for hooliganism in the soviet and post-soviet periods

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Issues of legal liability for offenses that infringe on public order and public safety in the Russian Federation are regulated by both the norms of criminal law and the legislation on administrative offenses. In this regard, the authors aimed to conduct a comparative analysis of the legislation of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods regulating liability for hooliganism, which is the most common offense that encroaches on the above-mentioned objects. First of all, the article reveals the legal nature of such legal categories as public order and public security. The paper draws attention to the origin of the term "hooliganism". The chronological sequence reflects the stages of formation of legal responsibility for hooligan actions. The authors reflect the main changes in the qualifying signs of hooliganism in the legislative norms of the above-mentioned historical periods. Attention is also focused on the forms of hooligan actions established by the legislation in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The attitude of the state and legislation to hooligan manifestations, as well as their prevention and suppression in the periods under review, is indicated. The authors consider the history of the occurrence of petty hooliganism as an administratively punishable act, its main features, as well as the successive changes in the qualifying features of this offense. The General features characteristic of both criminally punishable hooliganism and minor hooliganism, which is an administrative offense, are determined. As a conclusion, the authors noted the advantages and certain disadvantages of the current version of article 20.1 of the administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Minor hooliganism". The conclusions made made it possible to make a proposal to Supplement the wording of part 1 of this norm.

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About the authors

Anatoly Borisovich Dudaev

Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

PhD(Law), Associate Professor, associate professor of the department of administrative and legal disciplines Belgorod, Russia

Vladimir Vasilyevich Tkachenko

Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

PhD (Econ.), senior lecturer of the department of management and administrative activities Belgorod, Russia

Marya Valeryevna Bogacheva

Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

lecturer of the department of administrative and legal disciplines Belgorod, Russia


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