Peculiarities of the prevention of offences in certain types of transport infrastructure with the use of facial recognition systems

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Transport in the Russian Federation plays an important role in the country's progressive development. The issue of the safety of citizens and passenger and freight traffic in our country has become increasingly urgent as the transport network has developed. Based on modern requirements, ensuring transport safety for employees of internal affairs agencies will always be a topical issue. Since the objects of transport infrastructure are a place of mass gathering of people and concentration of means of transport, the issue of ensuring transport safety and security on the objects of transport at this stage of society's development is relevant, since due to specific features, the objects of the transport complex are of special interest to persons with a low level of legal consciousness. On the basis of the above, we will propose solutions to prevent unlawful acts by transport police officers at transport objects as part of the research theme - introduction and use of facial recognition systems. We did not use the term "use of the facial recognition system" by chance, as the system has been introduced in some Russian airports, but there are many questions about its effective use which will be discussed in our article. It is only worth mentioning that a fingerprint scanner or facial recognition camera has been inserted somewhere - and the interest of the audience is assured! But, unfortunately, the choice of research topic was not limited to this, we are talking about problems both in the use and operation of facial recognition systems installed by transport police officers at Russian airports. Using the examples of Belgorod Airport and Domodedovo Airport, we will look at the effectiveness of using the above system by the staff of the specialized public order departments in the transport and technological sectors of the transport infrastructure of the LO/LU of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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About the authors

S. N. Makhina

Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

Dr Sci.(Law), Professor, professor at administrativae law disciplines chair Belgorod, Russia

M. V. Bogacheva

Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

lecturer of the administrative and legal disciplines Department Belgorod, Russia

A. V Sidorenko

Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

adjunct Belgorod, Russia


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