Effectiveness of Criminal Punishment in the Form of Compulsory Labor

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the issue of effectiveness in relation to criminal punishment in the form of compulsory labor. The presented research is aimed at eliminating gaps in the current legislation. The purpose of the study: to analyze the modern understanding of compulsory labor as a type of criminal punishment. Summarize and analyze statistical data, law enforcement practice. To investigate controversial issues not resolved in the criminal law doctrine. Methodology and methods: the article uses both general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, and the method of interpretation of legal norms. Conclusions: based on the analysis of the points of view formulated in the theory of sciences of the criminal law cycle, legislation and empirical materials, the author formulates conclusions about the content of the concept of "effectiveness" in relation to criminal penalties in general and mandatory work in particular. In addition, the author identifies problems of a theoretical and applied nature related to the application and execution of the analyzed punishment.

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About the authors

Anna Valerievna Serebrennikova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Email: serebranna@hotmail.com
Dr.Sci (Law), Professor of criminal law and criminology Moscow, Russian Federation


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