Countering the Spread of Extremism and Terrorism Ideology in Prisons




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The purpose of this study was to study the spread of extremist and terrorist ideologies in places of deprivation of liberty and measures to counter these phenomena. Terrorists and extremists, once in places of deprivation of liberty, as a rule, do not depart from their terrorist or extremist ideology, and throughout the time that they are serving a prison term, they continue to spread their views among other prisoners. Most of them become public figures in order to be able to spread their ideology and recruit new members to terrorist and extremist organizations. An aggravating factor in the fight against the spread of terrorist and extremist ideology in places of deprivation of liberty is the hostility of those serving sentences to the administration of the correctional institution. However, in order to fight the spread of ideology, it is necessary to fight the terrorists themselves through their re-education and re-socialization. The purpose of correctional institutions is to provide psychological assistance to criminals and their correct re-education, so that after serving their sentence and being released, they no longer commit crimes and do not end up in prison again. To ensure this, it is necessary that in the process of serving a sentence, educational work is carried out with each prisoner, aimed at instilling in them the right values and goals in life. It is the duty of the prison administration to motivate terrorists to work on themselves, get education and various skills that can be used to earn a living after returning to freedom. However, in correctional institutions such work is carried out in very rare cases, and the administration simply hopes that the prisoners themselves realize their mistake, correct it themselves, and re-educate themselves. The strategy is fundamentally wrong and unviable, since the very name of these institutions contains the word "correctional", which implies certain efforts in this direction.




Mirzabek Ordokov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police lieutenant colonel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Fire Training Nalchik, Russia

Alexander Kazachenko

Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police lieutenant colonel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Fire Training Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


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