Lexical Shells of "Life": Constitutional Release of Russia

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Taking into account constitutional-legal and other scientific approaches and contexts to the study of life, the results of the analysis of the constitutional texts of 1918, 1925, 1937, 1978 and 1993 for its formalization are presented. The hypothesis is put forward that relying on the "letter" of the constitution in a chronological way will allow us to catch the "spirit" of the time, its corresponding priorities and accents expressed in the lexical shells of life. It is concluded that the latter have historically changed from predominantly collective to predominantly individual forms. It is noted that the modern forms of the constitution of the right to life were preceded by the fixation of "personal life" (1978) and "private life" (1993); "state life" (1918, 1937, 1978), "public life" (1925) and "socio-political life" (1937); "political and economic life" (1925), "economic life" (1937), "economic, political, social and cultural life" (1978) and only "cultural life" (1993). Attention is drawn to the fact that various characteristics of "life" were associated with different addressees: "prosperous and cultural life of workers" (1937); "long and active life of citizens" (1978); "decent human life", "traditional way of life of small ethnic communities" (1993); "healthy lifestyle of citizens", "quality of life of disabled people" (1993/ 2020).

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About the authors

Marina Vasilievna Markhgeym

Belgorod state national research university

Email: markheim@bsu.edu.ru
Dr Sci. (Law), Professor, Head of Constitutional and International law department, Law institute Belgorod, Russia


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