On the Current Problems of the Spread of Information Extremism on the Internet

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The article discusses the features of information extremist activity, current trends in the spread of information extremism in the global information space, the increase in the influence of youth extremism, which is actively used by extremist organizations, in particular to have a destructive impact on the younger generation. It is noted that extremism is one of the sources of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by the tragic events of recent years. The main ways of spreading extremist ideology are analyzed, including through a virtual social environment, information technology methods that are used by extremists to have a devastating impact on the management systems of critical infrastructures of the state. Problematic issues, countering extremist activities on the Internet are noted.

At the present stage, the Internet space is actively used by extremist organizations to promote radical ideas, recruit new members, incite ethnic and religious intolerance, collect information about the alleged goals and objects of blackmail, psychological terrorism. We can say that information extremism in the global information space has become an alternative to traditional methods used by extremist organizations for many reasons.

In addition, in the current tense geopolitical situation, analysts predict an increase in the intensity of harmful impacts on critical infrastructure systems, as well as increased global competition and increased foreign attempts to create a negative image of Russia in the eyes of the world community.

For the study, a descriptive and comparative method, statistical and bibliometric methods were used.

The results of the study can be used to prepare scientific papers, conduct further research in this area and the practical application of the analysis in order to increase the effectiveness of countering the spread of information extremism on the Internet.

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About the authors

Timur M. Shogenov

Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: tima0301977@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 6219-1069

Cand.Sci.(Econ.), Depauty head of the Department of Interior Bodies activities in special conditions, North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch)

Russian Federation, Nalchik, KBR


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