Problems of Countering Terrorism and Extremism on the Internet Under the Conditions of Urban Digitalization

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The digitalization of many spheres of life in Russian society through the introduction of modern technologies was of great importance for the development of the state as a whole. However, ubiquitous digitalization creates significant risks in terms of the spread of crime using the above technologies. Modern terrorist and extremist organizations are actively introducing digital technologies into criminal activities, which allows them to commit illegal acts at a new level. In addition, they use the global spread of the Internet not only to recruit and train stakeholders, but also to coordinate and commit crimes remotely. Despite the progressive Russian legislation, there are currently many difficulties associated with the digital capabilities of criminal communities. The author plans to identify the existing problems of countering terrorism and extremism on the Internet, taking into account the process of widespread digitalization. Currently, there are a number of aspects of the use of digital technologies that cannot be regulated within the legal framework. These situations contribute to the large-scale spread of prohibited Internet resources of a terrorist and extremist nature. Attention is focused on the utopian nature of the utopian control over the technical capabilities of digital systems, since the demand for prohibited resources gives rise to the activation of the creation of methods of access to them. The need to combat the spread of the ideas of terrorism and extremism through preventive and preventive work with the worldview and legal consciousness of the population in order to exclude interest in the relevant criminal acts is noted.

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About the authors

Aline Romanovna Manukyan

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

PhD in Law, Police Colonel, Associate Professor of the Department of State and civil law disciplines Nalchik, Russia


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