Globalization of Informatization, Cyber Terrorism Resource Base

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The purpose of this study was to study the globalization processes that led to the emergence and development of cyber terrorism. Globalization marked a rapid increase in technological progress, which affected all spheres of human life and increased the dependence of society on the stable and reliable operation of information and telecommunications systems. The improvement of the Internet has predetermined the emergence of new communication opportunities and the development of the world community on the basis of a single socio-economic space - the main product of globalization. The tasks of the study are to analyze the causes of cyber terrorism favorable to the spread. In our study, we revealed the essence of cyber terrorism as one of the destructive types of modern weapons - nuclear, chemical, bacteriological. Today, cyber terrorism has reached such a progressive level when criminals have the ability to interfere with data, interfere with the system, illegal interception and illegal access. Computer fraudsters have almost unlimited opportunities to communicate and share experience in the global space. Thus, we have determined that advances in high technology are a resource base for expanding the scope of cyber terrorism. High achievements, facilitating the daily life of people on the one hand, have created problems, the main of which is cyber terrorism, requiring a special solution, on the other hand. Conclusions: We have established that globalization has become an enabling environment for the promotion of cyberterrorism. And the scale to which it has grown is alarming for law enforcement agencies of almost all states. To achieve significant results in countering this phenomenon, it is necessary to unite the efforts of the leading States of the world, because in a single country effective regulation of cyberspace at the legislative level in a globalized information space is impossible, from which it follows that law-making should be carried out within the framework of international law.

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About the authors

Ruslan Rizuanovich Abidov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police captain, senior lecturer at the Fire Training Department Nalchik, Russia


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