The concept of validation of methodological support for forensic handwriting examination

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Purpose of the study. The article discusses topical issues related to the validation of the methodological support of forensic handwriting examination. The aim of the study is to establish the current state of the legal and regulatory framework for validation in forensic expert activity, to determine its own conceptual apparatus for validating the methodological support of forensic handwriting examination. Development of the basic concepts of validation of methodological support of forensic handwriting examination to clarify the specifics of this process, differentiation from other similar concepts and further work towards the development of validation technology. Resuits. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that validation is an innovative concept in the field of forensic activity on the territory of the Russian Federation; at present, there is no legal regulator for validating the methodological support of already existing forensic methods, including for methodological support of forensic handwriting examination. However, based on the history of the development of the methods underlying, the specifics of the methodology itself, modern approaches to determining the "quality" of the expert opinion, at the peak of the relevance of the issues of standardization, unification, certification of forensic expertise, the validation of the methodological support of forensic handwriting examination seems necessary a condition for effective forensic activity. The attempts undertaken in the direction of systematizing the methods of forensic handwriting examination at the level of various departments did not lead to the desired result. The article proposes the author's categories of validation of the methodological support of forensic handwriting examination: a definition that allows to reveal the specifics of this phenomenon and to distinguish it from similar concepts, to designate a range of possible subjects, to determine what are objects.

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About the authors

Valeria V. Marochkina

ANO "PetroExpert"

postgraduate student of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Activity, Operational Investigation Activity St.Peterburg, Russia


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