Judicial Interpretation of Constitutional Norms: Content and Features

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The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to the consideration of theoretical and practical issues of interpretation of the Constitution as a constituent act having the highest legal force, a comparison of scientific approaches to the interpretation of constitutional norms in Germany and the Russian Federation is made, the importance of the institute of interpretation in the mechanism of legal protection of the Constitution, the role of the supreme judicial bodies of constitutional control, procedural features of interpretation as one of their activities.. Results. As a result of the conducted research, the authors come to the conclusion that the interpretation of constitutional provisions by the supreme body of judicial constitutional control in the state quite reasonably acts as a way of legal protection of its main normative act of a constituent nature, the features of which are manifested in the filling of the Constitutional norms by the Court with new content without changing the text itself, thereby ensuring its stability and reliability, as well as the stability of the constitutional regulation of legal relations.

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About the authors

Marina A. Belova

State University of Justice (RSUJ)

Author for correspondence.
Email: marina23021980@yandex.ru
Scopus Author ID: 1010684

Cand.Sci.(Law), senior lecturer of Department of constitutional law named after N.V. Vitrukn

Russian Federation, Moscow

Elena I. Volkova

State University of Justice (RSUJ)

Email: gubanle@yandex.ru
Scopus Author ID: 1033364

Cand.Sci.(Law), associate professor of Department of constitutional law named after N.V. Vitrukn

Russian Federation, Moscow


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