Tactical features of detection and seizure of objects and substances of limited circulation


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The purpose of this article is to study the tactical features of visual, physical and chemical methods for detecting certain objects that are limited in circulation, including weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices, narcotic and psychotropic drugs and substances. To achieve these goals, the algorithm of actions of employees is given on the work, depending on which object to be seized, where and in which concealment environment the desired object is hidden, within the framework of which of the types of supervision: personal, vehicle, objects clothes and things, the object is seized. Determining the correct tactics for organizing screening actions, as well as actions to detect, record and seize prohibited items and substances, is the basis for further investigation of crimes related to their storage, carrying, transportation, marketing and other actions, successful prosecution of perpetrators, minimizing appeals against the actions of police officers with increasing their effectiveness. The results can be used for further theoretical research, the preparation of scientific papers and for solving practical problems in the field of forming the special knowledge of a police officer, in particular, determining tactics for detecting and seizing explosives and explosive devices, prohibitions and restrictions related to ensuring personal safety; firearms and ammunition; narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as generally improving the effectiveness of search actions in various conditions.

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Sobre autores

Dzulietta Berova

Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North Caucasus institute for advanced training

Email: berova-d@yandex.ru
Dr of Law, Associate professor, police colonel. Position: Deputy Head on Educational work.

Victoria Gauzhaeva

Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North Caucasus institute for advanced training

Email: kristyv_13@mail.ru
PhD at Law. Position: Associate Professor. Department: special technical training chair.


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