Peculiarities of concept of the operatively search activities result


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Purpose of research. The article deals with the features of such elements of the content of operational search activities as the concept of the result of ORD and its use. The authors study the essential content and legal regime of regulating the implementation of public and secret events and the results obtained. The article describes such important features that characterize the results of operational search activities as documentation, which is based on operational search information. Enough detail the authors substantiate the fact that the results of the OSA constituting a state secret, are not legally relevant evidence, which in turn is confirmed by the provisions of the definition of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation, which established that the results of carrying out quickly-search actions are not evidence, but merely information about the sources of those facts which, being obtained in compliance with legal requirements, can be Conclusions: As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to study the nature and nature of special features that determine the content of the concept of operational search activity and its results in more depth and detail. It seems that the conclusion that documenting the results of operational search activities, methods and means is an important element of the concept of the result of the ORD is legally justified.

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Sobre autores

Vladimir Gorbanev

Leningrad regional branch of Saint Petersburg University of MIA (Leningrad regional branch of Saint Petersburg university of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia)

lecturer at special disciplines chair Murino, Leningrad region, Russian Federation

Alexander Korolev

Leningrad regional branch of Saint Petersburg University of MIA (Leningrad regional branch of Saint Petersburg university of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia)

deputy head of special disciplines chair Murino, Leningrad region, Russian Federation


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