Combating crimes of extremist orientation committed with the use of the internet network


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The problem of extremism today is considered as one of the most relevant, in view of the fact that extremism poses a threat to public and national security. Despite the activities of law enforcement agencies in the direction of preventing extremist movements, the number of radical and terrorist organizations continues to grow. This is mostly due to the fact that in the context of globalization, many crimes are committed using the Internet. Modern information and telecommunication technologies based on the use of its resources have become a convenient field for committing crimes, including extremist ones. In turn, for law enforcement authorities, the identification of the criminal and the suppression of such crimes is becoming increasingly difficult, due to the fact that the Internet does not have a specific owner, it has a wide audience and allows you to influence the masses. These problems are compounded by the fact that information of extremist content is not only posted on profiles and sites, but also sent in the form of personal messages. This type of crime is especially dangerous for young people, because the unformed consciousness easily falls under the influence of experienced radical criminals. The recruitment of young people through the Internet is today the most popular direction in the propaganda activities of extremist groups. However, despite the intensification of criminals, as well as attempts by foreign states to carry out terrorist activities on the territory of Russia, currently in the Russian Federation effective mechanisms of a legal and organizational nature have been developed that allow to quickly respond to extremist activity and stop it in a timely manner, also in information and communication networks. The purpose of this article is to analyze extremist crimes committed using the Internet, as well as develop proposals to improve the existing strategy to counter such crimes.

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Sobre autores

Kamila Karchaeva

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

PhD (Econ.), police Junior Lieutenant, Lecturer at Department Nalchik, Russia


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