Features of qualification of crimes under article 165 of the criminal code of the Russian federation


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The legislation of the Russian Federation guarantees the unity of the economic space throughout the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, free movement of goods, services, and financial resources is carried out within this territory, and a program to support competition and free economic activity is implemented. These provisions and their legal guarantee enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Customs code of the EAEU, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which reflect the significance of economic relations in society and hence contribute to determining decisions of the legislator in establishing legal safeguards for their protection. The main purpose of the research is to study in-depth the criminal-legal characteristics of the crimes provided for by art. 165 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation and taking into account current trends in criminal policy, the need to develop recommendations and proposals for improving legislation in this area in order to more effectively apply the criminal law provision providing for liability for causing property damage without signs of theft is emphasized. In this article, the author conducted a study of the criminal law norm providing for liability for causing property damage by deception and abuse of trust, considered the qualifying circumstances of this article and proposed specific measures to tighten responsibility for this crime.

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Acesso é fechado

Sobre autores

Bika Dgamalova

North-Caucasian Institute (branch) of RSUJ (RLA of the Ministry of justice of Russia)

Email: kafedra_ugolovnogoprava@mail.ru
PhD (Law), Associate Professor

Vladimir Radchenko

North-Caucasian Institute (branch) of RSUJ (RLA of the Ministry of justice of Russia)

master student


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