Education of Traditional Spiritual and Moral Values as a Method for Extremism Preventing


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The article presents the actual problem of children and youth spiritual and moral education as a way of extremism prevention. The problem of being involved into extremist groups is especially current for our state. These problems, in turn, lead to the destruction of family and parenting institutions. The article analyzes the reasons for the young people involvement in extremist groups, and proposes measures and methods to prevent extremism. The growth of aggression and cruelty in society is the main reason for the considered problem. Having no idea about the ideological basis of extremist movements, adolescents and young people are negatively influenced and involved into extremist groups. The development of national and cultural traditions restrains the extremist ideas, sentiments and elements penetration into the citizens’ culture and behavior. The role of preserving national culture, national consciousness, moral and ethical concepts should not be underestimated. The formation of feelings of patriotism, citizenship, tolerance, ideas about intercultural communication, the cooperation and mutual assistance principles, the ability to hear other people, as well as the ability to manage negative emotions are the most important components of the person’s moral education. The author concludes that the spiritual and moral crisis that take place in modern Russian society can be overcome if the state creates all the conditions for the successful revival of spiritual norms and traditions, moral values. Carrying out work to develop sustainable immunity to the effects of extremist ideology in educational organizations is an important measure for the extremism prevention. This work should aim at the communicative, informational, social and legal, social and psychological knowledge formation in the younger generation. The result of successful spiritual and moral education should be a person with stable views and beliefs. It is important not only the correct educational goals and objectives formulation, but also their clear implementation in the process of children and adolescents teaching and upbringing. The task of the state is to create optimal conditions for the implementation of the children and youth spiritual and moral education, both in educational institutions and within the family.

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Zalina Dadova

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Candidate of Philology sciences, Associate professor of the state, civil and law disciplines department Nalchik, Russia


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