On the Issue of the Status of the Person Who Reported the Crime at the Stage of Initiation of a Criminal Case


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The purpose of this article is to determine the procedural status of the person who reported the crime, the range of his rights and obligations, the range of powers of officials of the competent state bodies in relation to the specified person at the stage of initiating a criminal case. Develop a legal position on the settlement of legal relations arising between the person who reported the crime and officials of the competent state bodies at the stage of initiating a criminal case. Conclusions: at the end of the article, the author proposes a number of innovations in the current criminal procedure legislation to regulate the status of the applicant at the stage of initiating a criminal case. The person who submitted the application is given a procedural status, which is endowed with certain rights and obligations. A proposal is being made to empower officials of competent state bodies with respect to the person who filed a crime report.

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Sobre autores

Aleksey Burtsev

Management Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Email: aleksey-burcev@mail.ru
major of justice, Applicant Moscow, Russia


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