Legal Regulation of the Organization of the Use of Forces and Means by the Territorial Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Event of Emergency Circumstances (Situations)



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The article examines the organizational and legal aspects of the participation of internal affairs officers in case of emergency (situations). In the context of the current legislation, relying on a fairly representative body of scientific literature, the authors explore the conceptual field of the concept of an "emergency". Sharing the points of view of some legal scholars and critical of others, the authors attempt their own interpretation of the concept of an emergency. The relevance of the legal regulation of the use of forces and means by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the event of emergency circumstances (situations) is due to the insufficient regulation of the current regulatory framework of domestic legislation in the field of organizing the prevention of emergency circumstances (situations). Emergencies are characterized by the death of people or threaten their life and health, material damage to individuals and legal entities, the natural environment in a certain area. In the context of the current legislation, scientific literature, the author explores the conceptual aspect of "emergency", and makes an attempt to author's interpretation of the concept of an emergency and notes the need for further legal regulation of the organization of the activities of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the event of emergencies, as negative events The authors explore the conceptual aspect of "emergency", and makes an attempt to author's interpretation of the concept of an emergency and notes the need for further legal regulation of the organization of the activities of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the event of emergencies, as negative events. The purpose of the research. The article discusses emergencies that, in combination of objective and subjective factors, create a causal series of negative events. They are associated with natural disasters of a natural, man-made, biological and social nature. The research methods were the categories of materialistic dialectics, as well as general scientific and special research methods, in particular: analysis and synthesis; induction and deduction; statistical analysis, method of expert assessments, methods of generalization, modeling, forecasting, studying documentary data, functional and system-structural.

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Sobre autores

Mikhail Kireev

Management academy of the Ministry of the interior of the Russian Federation

Dr.Sci.(Law), professor, рrofessor of department the management internal affairs agencies in special conditions of Center for command and staff exercises Moscow, Russian Federation

Albert Atmurzaev

Management academy of the Ministry of the interior of the Russian Federation

adjunct Moscow, Russian Federation

Igor Romanovskiy

Management academy of the Ministry of the interior of the Russian Federation

student Moscow, Russian Federation


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