Actual Problems of State and Municipal Control



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The purpose of the research. The most important constituent element of government in the state is control, which contributes to the implementation of verification and, most importantly, the elimination of violations of legislation, the elimination of inconsistencies in regulatory legal acts and decisions, as well as monitoring the activities of bodies and officials at all levels of government. Control is a verification of the execution of decisions made, the purpose of which is to identify deficiencies in management activities, to eliminate the causes of their occurrence. Also, the control activity includes a system of measures to monitor and verify the operation of the facility, in order to eliminate deviations from certain parameters. Thus, the relevance of the scientific work devoted to the study of current problems of state and municipal control is quite obvious.

Results. As a result of the conducted research, the authors came to the conclusion that in the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 248-FZ "On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation" and other federal laws regulating the specifics and procedure for the implementation of control activities both at the federal level and at the local level contain certain problems. The existing shortcomings complicate the process of implementing legal norms, create an obstacle in the correct understanding of the specifics of the implementation of state and municipal control. The lack of stability and completeness in legal regulation, the presence of a complex regulatory framework, long time stages of reforming control activities do not allow to fully disclose and implement high-quality, effective state and municipal control.

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Sobre autores

Alexander Yushko

Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Código SPIN: 3465-5775
Scopus Author ID: 977836

Cand.Sci.(Law), Senior lecturer of Administrative and Financial Law Department

Rússia, Krasnodar


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