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Volume 16, Nº 3 (2023)


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Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences

The Main Directions of Reforming the Police of the Russian Empire: a Brief Summary of the Proposals of the Commission of A.A. Makarov

Lobacheva L., Shurukhnov N.


The purpose of the article is to briefly present the main directions of police reform undertaken in 1906. The subject of the study was «A brief explanatory note to the conclusion of the interdepartmental Commission, prepared by Senator A.A. Makarov, on the transformation of the police into the Empire», as well as other documents prepared by members of the Commission (Draft Statute of the Police with article-by-article explanations. Appendix 4 to the draft law on the transformation of the police (Empire), research by scientists, in which certain areas of the transformation of the imperial police were touched upon to one degree or another. It is necessary to make a digression (curtsey) in the direction of Russian archivists, true statesmen who have carefully preserved for us – unique documents. Their content makes it possible to immerse yourself in that historical time, to feel the breath of that era, to evaluate the contribution of individual historical figures and entire collectives who fought for Russian statehood, made tremendous efforts to make the country prosperous. We are now saying thank you for having a unique document in our hands: «A brief explanatory note to the conclusion of the interdepartmental Commission, under the leadership of Senator A.A. Makarov, on the transformation of the police into the empire» (volume 133 pages) [1]. History has always been considered a great teacher, teaching us on concrete facts. Analyzing them, you can make certain conclusions, evaluate the decisions made, make sure of the historical role of a particular person, be amazed by individual visionaries.

The research methods were generalization, comparison, analogy, concretization, extrapolation, content analysis, which allowed us to draw our own conclusions in the main part of the article, as well as express our own judgments in conclusion. The entire content of the article is a hint to contemporaries to: know, remember, honor, have an idea of the role of the police department not only in combating crime, maintaining proper public order, but also in countering internal enemies.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):13-21
pages 13-21 views

State Sovereignty in the Context of Development a Multipolar World

Kochesokov Z., Gerasimovich I.


The purpose of the study.State sovereignty in the modern world. The purpose of the study is to establish that the modern unipolar world order does not ensure the sovereignty of states in international relations, as a result of which the level of confrontation between the conflicting parties increases, the risk of the use of nuclear weapons increases, etc. Conclusions. Objective processes of development of the modern world indicate that a multipolar world order is being formed, in which, unlike the unipolar one, the best conditions are created for strengthening the sovereignty of states, since there is no dictate of one state in relation to others, the distribution of international power becomes more equitable, democratic, international balance is established, etc.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):22-26
pages 22-26 views

The Evolution of Approaches to Determining the Principles of Law and Law-Making: Theory and Political and Legal Practice

Zubov V.


The proposed publication provides a comprehensive review of the historical path of changing approaches (theoretical and practical) to the definition of the principles of law and lawmaking and establishes the nature of the evolutionary process in political and legal matter. On the basis of the general dialectical method, analysis and comparative legal approach, the principles of law and lawmaking are identified and revealed, depending both on the level and degree of generalization (special, sectoral, intersectoral, universal), and on the specifics of the current or historical stage of development of political and legal reality, the content of the concept of «lawmaking» is established in direct connection with similar categories, the lawmaking process and types of lawmaking are characterized. In the course of the presentation of the material, the author establishes that the current Russian law is based on synthesis of the achievements of the main concepts of legal understanding - the natural law doctrine, positivism and the realistic school of law. It is indicated that in recent years the principles of law in Russia have been evolving against the background of the steady sovereignization of the domestic political and legal order. The definition of lawmaking is given as a purposeful activity of the competent authorities to change, establish or abolish legal norms, which is the highest form of expression of the process of lawmaking and an integral element of rulemaking, it is established that the principles of lawmaking should correlate with the actual principles of law. The conclusion is that the evolution of the principles of law and lawmaking is non-linear, it varies depending on the level of development of each individual legal order and the individual characteristics of the formation, functioning and development of society.

On the example of the domestic legal order the author shows that the reception of Western European principles of law, as the independence of the Russian Federation in the international arena was strengthened, was replaced by the construction of national legislation, taking into account the special historical path of the country and those traditional fundamental values that are immanent to the single multinational people of Russia.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):27-36
pages 27-36 views

Improving the Legal Protection of Citizens in Cyberspace

Ostroushko A.


Purpose of the research. The article deals with the problems of improving the mechanism of legal support of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in cyberspace. The purpose of the work is achieved by using well-known methods of scientific research, including: analysis of scientific literature, legislative acts and regulations, as well as studying the experience of other countries and international organizations in the field of legal regulation of cyberspace. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for improving the legal regulation of public relations in cyberspace. Conclusions. During the study, the author comes to the conclusion that in order to improve the mechanism of legal support for the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in cyberspace, an integrated approach is needed. It includes the updating of legislation, the development of international cooperation, increasing the legal literacy of the population, the development of judicial practice and law enforcement, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies to ensure the rights of citizens. The development of regulations governing the use of advanced technologies will require the involvement of competent experts and scientists capable of developing optimal mechanisms for the legal regulation of such innovations. It is necessary to introduce the principle of responsibility for observing the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in cyberspace at all levels of management and decision-making.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):37-46
pages 37-46 views

The Legal Understanding of Bruno Leoni (On the 110th Anniversary of His Birth)

Kiryukhin V.


Due to the change of the ideological paradigm in the post-Soviet period, the issues of methodology of the theory and history of law have acquired a new sound, involving researchers in numerous discussions. At the same time, legal positivism, recognizing only the norms of positive law as legal, directly linking the latter with the institution of the state, still dominates domestic legal science. It has to be stated that positivism actually ignores the complex foundation under the institution of law, which appears as if from oblivion. The methodology of studying the genesis of law beyond the boundaries of the positivist paradigm in Russian jurisprudence is not the strongest trump card. Because of this, the author draws the reader to the work of the Italian philosopher, anti-fascist, scientist, lawyer Bruno Leoni (1913-1967), who had a significant influence on the development of philosophical and legal views of the XX century. Basing and developing his concept of legal understanding on the postulates of Roman law, the views of representatives of different generations of the Austrian school of economic theory, Bruno Leoni made one of the most reasonable and successful attempts to resist the dominance of G. Kelsen’s normativism in European legal thought.

The purpose of writing a research paper is to understand the author’s creative heritage of Bruno Leoni, to determine the place of his scientific ideas in the legal worldview of the XX century, to draw attention to the productive foundations of his methodology in the study of law.

The main method used in writing the work is the dialectical method of cognition of the surrounding reality. In addition, when writing the work, the author used a number of general and special methods of scientific cognition: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, historical, comparative legal, formal legal and other methods of scientific cognition.

The conclusions obtained in the course of the study suggest that the interest in the creative heritage of Bruno Leoni will contribute to the further understanding and development of scientific ideas in the field of jurisprudence, philosophy and economics.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Public Law (State Law) Sciences

On the Legal Nature of the Relationship of the Head with the Organization Headed by Him (Legal Entity)

Savin V., Savin S.


In the article the subject of the study is relationship arising in the field of labour between the head of the organization and the legal entity (organization), the relevance of which is connected with the desire of the legislator to regulate their civil law, in this connection, there is no clear position on the issue of the branch ownership of these relations at the legislative level, which gave rise to a discussion in legal science about the legal nature of the said relations between scholars-laborers and civilists. The paper analyzes the norms of Chapter 43 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, which establish the features of labour regulation of the head of the organization, which unequivocally showed that the relations under study have a labour law character. Therefore, they were regulated only by the norms of labour legislation, which continued until the adoption of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2014 No. 99-FZ, which changed the situation in this matter. Relations between the noted subjects began to be coordinated by civil law, but the authors don’t agree with such an unreasonable understanding of their legal nature, since the legislator completely ignored the basic principles of labor law, the legal status of the head of the organization, the norms of Art. 11 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, etc., which generally excludes the possibility of applying civil law to labour relations. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the conclusion about the recognition of the untenable legislative concept of the sectoral affiliation of the relations under consideration is made on the basis of studying the essence of the legal category «labour function», which is the key to resolve the current negative situation associated with their regulation by the norms of labour and civil legislation. The authors’ special contribution to the study of this topic should be considered the specific measures proposed to improve the norms of these branches of law, which will eliminate the legal nonsense resulting from the application by the legislator of the unacceptable in law simultaneous regulation of relations between the head and the organization headed by him by absolutely non-identical norms of labour and civil law.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):53-62
pages 53-62 views

Specificity of Tax Regulation in the Conditions of Production Robotization

Zakharova S., Gurnak A., Moroz V.


This article examines the prerequisites for the emergence, role and prospects for the implementation of the so-called «tax on robots». At the moment, it is already possible to trace the growing trend of displacement and replacement of human labor by machines. Thus, the automation of production processes is becoming more and more popular and beneficial for companies, which jeopardizes the demand for people in the implementation of their labor activities. Moreover, robotization and automation of production cause a number of both positive and negative consequences for the economy and society as a whole. Our task in the implementation of this policy is to propose the most optimal and efficient method of tax regulation of the use of machines that replace and displace workers. However, the difficulty lies in finding the best taxation method that does not limit innovation and does not impede the achievement of economic growth. To do this, it is necessary to determine the meaning of the concept of «robot», to analyze what the main problems may arise in the course of the implementation of the tax policy for taxing robots, then - to outline the main approaches and options for the implementation of their taxation and, focusing on existing world practices, to identify the most acceptable and suitable for us techniques.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):63-69
pages 63-69 views

On the Question of the Influence of Religion on the Economic and Social Development of the State

Battalova L., Chernova K.


Purpose of the research. In this article, based on its title, the influence of religion on legislation, on the social and economic sphere of the country’s development is considered. The type of state is analyzed in relation to religion, the advantages and disadvantages of secular, clerical, theocratic and atheistic states. This is necessary to determine the type of state in its relation to religion, which has the most effective legislation to help it develop. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the atheistic type of state most effectively copes with the urgent tasks assigned to the country. At the same time, it should be noted that theocracy has the same potential, although it is a contradiction to atheism. The legislation of the theocratic state is directly related to the worldview of the servants of a particular religious movement. For this reason, religion can be a kind of brake that hinders the development of the country and society in the modern world and current realities. It is also worth considering that the strength of the theocracy is the lingering cultural, moral and ethical values. However, this does not prevent an atheistic state like the USSR, which was able to build up to preserve the moral and moral values of a clerical state, creating its own culture and becoming one of the most successful and rapidly developing states of the last century.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):70-78
pages 70-78 views

Major Reforms of the Land Supervision

Zinnatullin A.


The purpose of the study. The article discusses the stages of reforming the state land supervision in the period from 2011 to 2023. The purpose of the study is to analyze and characterize the main changes in the laws on supervisory activities in the field of land regulation, as well as to assess their effectiveness. Conclusions. The result of the reforms was the formation of a balanced system of legal regulation of supervisory activities in the field of use and protection of objects of land relations. On the one hand, the legislator managed to reduce the supervisory burden on departmental bodies, as well as on land owners, landowners and land users. On the other hand, the priority of preventive measures has been established, which is more in line with the task of protecting land resources.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Private Law (Civil) Sciences

Comparative Analysis of Current Problems of Hereditary Law of Russia and Germany

Belialova A., Gadzhiev A.


This article delves into both theoretical and practical aspects of hereditary law development in two different countries: Russia and Germany. The authors investigate the varied approaches taken in each country towards the legal responsibility of heirs for the testator’s obligations and the sale of inheritance. They attempt to identify the key characteristics of heirs’ responsibility for their testator’s obligations as well as the specific details of inheritance sales within the context of German law.

The article examines the norms of hereditary law in Russia and Germany by conducting a comparative analysis of civil law, doctrine, and practice. It proposes several potential solutions to issues discussed and focuses on studying the norms that determine heirs’ responsibility for the testator’s obligations and the peculiarities of inheritance sales in German law.

This article focuses on the study of civil law norms that relate to the responsibility of heirs for their testator’s obligations, and the distinct characteristics of inheritance sales in German law. It also examines the legal doctrine, judicial practices, and notarial practices in Russia and Germany.

The objective of the article is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the inheritance sales institution in German law and identify methods to address critical challenges in determining heirs’ responsibility for the testator’s obligations in civil law in Russia and Germany.

As part of the investigation, general scientific and private scientific methods were used, such as analysis, comparison, structural, systemic and functional approaches, etc. The basis of the scientific study was the methods of comparative analysis, analytical and functional approaches, through which the most pressing nuances of modern hereditary law of Russia and Germany were identified.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):85-91
pages 85-91 views

Features of the Legal Regime of the Property of Spouses

Gasanov N.


The article examines the most problematic and controversial aspects of the legal regulation of relations between spouses. Despite the fact that the legislation regulating family relations in Russia was adopted many years ago, the process of building an optimal legal model of property relations between spouses is not over. The purpose of the presented research is to identify problematic issues in the regulation of property relations of spouses and to determine possible ways to resolve them. The content and structure of the legal institution of the spouses’ property determining its regime are investigated. The most problematic areas of marital property relations are highlighted, the regulation of which is currently insufficiently effective. The approaches used in the world law-making and law enforcement practice are investigated, the possibility of their successful application in the Russian legal field is evaluated. Conclusions are drawn about the existing legislative gaps in the regulation of many property relations of spouses. The author pays special attention to the regulation of the procedure for changing the legal regime of the spouses’ property. It is shown that in law enforcement practice, it is unreasonably allowed to change the legal regime of the property of spouses as a consequence of a number of civil law transactions involving spouses. This approach is considered by the author as not conforming to the law. Proposals have been made to improve regulatory regulation and law enforcement practice to resolve the most controversial issues of changing the legal regime with the property of spouses.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):92-97
pages 92-97 views

Theoretical and Practical Problems of Bidding for the Privatization of State and Municipal Property in Electronic Form

Korolev E.


The purpose of the study. The presented article reveals the specifics of bidding for the privatization of state and municipal property in electronic form. The presented research is aimed at identifying the main problems that arise during the implementation of these trades. The purpose of the study is to conduct a holistic analysis of tenders for the privatization of state and municipal property in the form of electronic auctions. In addition to the above, the purpose of the study is to identify problems of theory and practice in the field under study and to form proposals for their elimination.

Results. The result of the study is proposals to improve legislation in the field of tendering for the privatization of state and municipal property. The study determined that there is a problem that is associated with an increase in the time interval of bidding, the solution of which is seen in the introduction of amendments to Articles 18 and 23 of Federal Law No. 178-FZ. Amendments are proposed that will relate to the sequence of actions of the auction organizer in case the winner refuses to sign the contract of sale. It also determines the need to form a special register of auction participants, which will include exactly those persons who refused to sign the purchase and sale agreement more than twice.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):98-102
pages 98-102 views

Application of the Concept of De Facto Affiliation in Insolvency (Bankruptcy) Cases in Russia and the USA

Voronov F.


The study examines the application of the concept of non-statutory insider in insolvency (bankruptcy) cases in the USA. The possibility of applying the criterion of «economic dependence» in establishing affiliation is considered. Using the method of comparative legal research the conclusion is made that it is impossible to apply the criteria of «economic dependence» in the domestic jurisdiction, instead the author of the study proposes the use of the «comparative» test, the essence of which is to compare the relations of factual affiliates by analogy with the relations that are directly provided by the current legislation as affiliation relations.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):103-109
pages 103-109 views

Informal Unanimous Consent as a Decision-Making Method in the English Corporate Law

Morozova A.


The purpose of the research. Everyday, millions of companies face the necessity of making corporate decisions being vital to their future. It is often complicated for the companies to comply with legal requirements, especially, those related to meetings of shareholders. However, timeliness, effectiveness, and aligned position of the governing bodies form the functioning basis of the decision-making system. The article considers one of the possible ways to make decisions in English companies, which was established by the common law enabling the company shareholders to approve corporate actions informally without holding the general meeting subject to unanimous consent. Results. As a result of the study the author concludes that informal unanimous consent as a decision-making method provides a greater procedural flexibility and is employed mainly in situations where the company (due to various circumstances) does not have the ability to perform all the formalities inherent in the decision-making process. In addition, the practice shows that informal unanimous consent accelerates the decision-making process (due to shorter timelines set by the law or corporate articles of association), as well as contributes to the effective business organization and the immediate adoption of important decisions. At the same time, it should be noted that there are certain limitations on the employment of informal unanimous consent and failure to comply with them entails the risk of invalidation of the decision made by the governing body.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):110-117
pages 110-117 views

Criminal Law Sciences

International Search for Terrorists and Its Alternative Means in Ensuring the National Security of the Russian Federation

Tarasov M.


The international search, which is a civilized measure to ensure the inevitability of punishment for terrorists who have fled abroad, and a measure to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation, is not the only means in this capacity. International practice also knows other measures when issues of the inevitability of responsibility are resolved in order to ensure the national security of the state without a court and other justice bodies, as well as law enforcement agencies, without their usual procedures. The article gives a description of such measures and the practice of their application, notes their relevance in the current geopolitical situation.

Keywords: international search; announcement of an international wanted list; alternative means of searching for criminals; national security of the Russian Federation; terrorism, operational units, special units; Interpol General Secretariat; NCB Interpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):118-123
pages 118-123 views

Life Imprisonment in the System of Types of Punishments

Kuznetsov A., Marshakova N.


The article examines the system of punishments in criminal legislation, which allows to determine the limits of its punitive measures, reveals the role and significance, reflects the general provisions characterizing its evolution, based on changing social conditions in different periods of the development of the state. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the criminal law and penal enforcement aspects of the type of punishment associated with isolation from society - life imprisonment, measures are proposed to improve criminal legislation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):124-128
pages 124-128 views

Cyberbullying: Criminological, Criminal Procedural and Psychological Aspects

Volosova N., Epanchintseva G., Shmeleva E.


The article raises the problems of countering cyberbullying as a new form of violence. The authors note that violence has moved from an offline format to an online format and has become more dangerous by changing its forms. The paper defends the opinion on the need to integrate the knowledge of specialists in various fields of knowledge (psychologists, lawyers, educators, IT specialists) in order to counter cyberbullying and develop and implement preventive measures for safe behavior in cyberspace and develop programs to help victims of cyberbullying.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):129-134
pages 129-134 views

On the Issue of Criminalization and Decriminalization of Acts in the Field of Procurement for State and Municipal Needs as a Tool for Creating an Effective Mechanism of Criminal Law Protection

Battalova L., Kostyleva G.


The article deals with the issues of criminal rulemaking in Russia at the present stage. The provisions of criminal legislation regulating crimes committed in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs are characterized. The legislation regulating the sphere of procurement and the mechanisms of criminal law protection is analyzed. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the features of criminalization and decriminalization of acts in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs as a tool for creating an effective mechanism of criminal law protection. This is necessary to determine the main directions of development of the Russian system of legislation.

Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, the authors come to the conclusion that the current mechanism of criminal law protection of relations in the field of ensuring state and municipal needs has a number of shortcomings in terms of the approach to criminalization and decriminalization of certain acts, as well as imperfections of the legal technique of criminal lawmaking.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):135-141
pages 135-141 views

The Content and Significance of Some Basic Elements of the Forensic Characteristics of the Threat of Murder or Infliction of Grievous Bodily Harm

Danilkina V.


Within the framework of the article, the content and significance for the investigation of the main elements of the forensic characteristics of the threat of murder or grievous bodily harm are revealed. A reasonable conclusion is made that knowledge of the characteristics of the investigated composition allows the person conducting the investigation to correctly assess the current investigative situation in the case, put forward the most likely versions of what happened, and also competently plan, objectively and comprehensively investigate criminal cases of crimes under Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):142-148
pages 142-148 views

The Control Over Paroled Convicts as a Type of State Control: Concept, Signs

Golovastova J., Pashkova E.


The article deals with the control over the parolees, its main features and notion from the point of view of one of the types of state control. The aim of the research is to reveal the system of independent signs of control over the parolees, based on which the author’s conceptual definition of control over the parolees is formulated. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research the author concludes that state control has several special features that significantly distinguish it from supervision. Thus, among the special features of state control the author singles out: strict legal regulation of legal relations, the subject endowed with powers of authority, mutual subjective rights and obligations, the possibility of bringing to responsibility. Considering these signs, the author concludes that the control over parolees is one of the types of state control, which has independent signs and distinguishes their system. Thus, the main features of control over parolees are court ruling on parole of a person, which has entered into legal force, as a basis for the emergence of control; implementation of control in a strictly regulated procedural form; for parolees, the subject of control - a specialized state body exercising control over parolees; object of control - behavior of parolees; limits of the essence of parolee’s control. In the context of this research, the author tries to formulate the author’s conceptual definition of «control over parolees».

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):149-157
pages 149-157 views

Lighter Penalties than Prescribed by Law Enforcement: Can Judicial Discretion Be Restricted?

Gadzhieva A., Karaeva Z.


The purpose of the study is the analyzing and summarizing the main problems which are found in the practice of imposing a sentence milder than provided by law, as well as to find the ways and the means of solving them, synthesis and analysis of the scientific proposals on these issues, substantiation of the correctness of some of them. Therefore, the authors present the results of the studied court decisions on sentencing issues with taking into account the provisions of Article 64 of the Criminal Code and give them a critical assessment. The authors also pay particular attention to the imposition of a punishment that is lenient than prescribed by law for certain types of crimes, and above all the crimes in the field of drug trafficking. Taking into account the high public danger of drug-related crimes it is noted that there is a need to change some judicial approaches of sentencing these types of crime in practice. The opinion of the necessity of imposing the legislative prohibitions on mitigation of the punishment for these types of crime is substantiated.

Conclusions. Based on the results of the research some recommendations ate developed for improving the Article 64 of the Criminal Code, as well as proposals for amending the acts of judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It is proposed to limit the discretionary powers of judges, as well as to prohibit the use of exceptional mitigation in individual cases, for example, the simultaneous application of two mitigation rules. The judges should be obligated to give detailed reasons for their decision to admit certain circumstances as extraordinary in the descriptive part of the verdict. The authors of the given article make conclusion about the need to prohibit applications on the provisions of article 64 of the Criminal Code in relation to crimes in the field of illicit drug trafficking, indicating their list in the part 3 of the named article.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):158-164
pages 158-164 views

Some Features of the Criminal’s Personality in the Sphere of Real Estate Turnover

Kvasnikova Т.


The article presents the results of a comparative legal study of the personal characteristics of persons who have committed crimes in the sphere of real estate turnover and persons who have committed general crimes in the field of economic activity and against state power and the interests of the civil service, which made it possible to identify their significant differences. It is interesting fact is that the personal characteristics of the designated criminals differ not only in the level of upbringing, education, intelligence, official position, but also the criminal motivation for committing crimes varies. In the course of the study, the personal characteristics of the designated groups of criminals are compared and an analysis is presented, the results of which can be useful for predicting the further behavior of persons prone to committing crimes and the applying individual prevention measures to persons who have committed crimes.

The purpose of the study: to conduct a comparative legal analysis of persons who have committed crimes in the sphere of real estate turnover and persons who have committed crimes of a common criminal orientation, in the sphere of economic activity and against state power and the interests of public service.

The methodological basis of the work is a comparative legal approach, which allowed for a comparative analysis of the socio-criminological characteristics of persons who have committed crimes of a common criminal orientation and persons who have committed crimes in the sphere of real estate turnover, an analytical method by which the compared personality characteristics are investigated and distinctive features are highlighted, a static method that made it possible to study statistical indicators: compare age criminals, gender ratio, social status, etc., methods of synthesis and extrapolation, which made it possible to compare personality traits, etc.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):165-170
pages 165-170 views

The Theory of Operational Investigative Activity and the Variety of Private (Special) Theories Based on It

Lozinsky O., Akhmatov K., Bargishev S.


The purpose of the research. The article analyzes the results of a study conducted in the field of operational investigative activities, during which problematic issues were identified, the solution of which needs more thorough scientific research. Results. Based on the results of the study, the concept and the main criteria that serve as the basis for the development of a particular theory are formulated. Based on the results of the study, arguments are given that private (special) theories in the field of operational investigative activities should be developed in the form of a regulatory and law enforcement response to an actual socio-criminogenic problem (a homogeneous range of problems), the development of which seems ineffective only from the standpoint of the general theory of operational investigative activities. Along with theoretical justifications, recommendations are given for the most effective law enforcement in this area.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):171-176
pages 171-176 views

Termination of Proceedings on Discretionary Grounds as a Way to Optimize the Burden on the Judicial System

Kucherov G.


In the article, through the analysis of statistical data, law enforcement practice and legal provisions, the problems of inefficient use by officials of the preliminary investigation bodies of the powers granted to them to terminate criminal cases on discretionary grounds during the preliminary investigation and inquiry are considered, which in turn causes an increase in the burden on the courts. The author identifies normative and statistical reasons for the low efficiency of the implementation of the powers granted to them by law enforcers and suggests ways to overcome them, which will allow focusing attention on the courts in considering cases of the most serious and dangerous crimes by reducing the number of cases of crimes of small and medium gravity coming to court for consideration on the merits.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):177-181
pages 177-181 views

The Genesis of Responsibility for Medical Crimes in the Sources of Law of the Ancient World

Khamkov M.


The formation and development of the regulation of the responsibility of doctors for their mistakes, as well as intentional violations during medical activity has a very inconsistent character. The development of the art of healing, despite its absolute relevance and significance, has not infrequently enjoyed both neutral and negative attitudes from the state authorities and religion throughout various epochs. The conducted comparative historical and legal research allows us to construct a systematic worldview about the structure and content of the relevant phenomena, it will not only highlight their distinctive features and characteristic features, but also can subsequently become the basis for improving the current legislation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):182-186
pages 182-186 views

International Legal Sciences

New International Human Rights Architecture

Abashidze A.


In the conditions of deep crisis of interstate relations, negatively affecting the key components of the system of collective security based on the UN Charter, including universal human rights mechanisms, an informed discussion about the new international architecture of human rights protection as an important sphere of international and national legal order is becoming increasingly relevant and demanded.

As a result of analysis and consideration of key points and patterns to what extent the conceptual, normative, and institutional foundations of the currently functioning interstate human rights protection system with its strengths and weaknesses will be required for a new international human rights protection architecture, and what factors and circumstances may play a decisive role in this endeavor.

By analyzing and taking into account the key points and regularities inherent in the international political system, where sovereign states continue to play the leading role, we have drawn conclusions of conceptual and practical importance, which can and must be taken into account when building a new architecture of human rights protection that pretends to adequately replace the existing system of human rights protection. These conclusions and the resulting recommendations are based on the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which affirm the need for states and institutions of global governance to work together through international cooperation and a common understanding of human rights and freedoms. Only in the presence of such conditions is it possible for sovereign states to cooperate constructively in the field of human rights, which in turn will serve as a condition for the well-being of all. In the absence of these conditions, human rights, on the contrary, become a tool of struggle, the object of double standards in international relations and in the activities of international human rights bodies.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):187-192
pages 187-192 views

Excess of Authority or Good Faith Conduct: Liability Issues in the Energy Sector Under Foreign Unilateral Restrictive Measures

Sedova Z.


Objective: The reason for writing this article is the difficulties encountered by the executive bodies of Russian energy companies that are under the control of foreign shareholders from unfriendly countries during the period of foreign sanctions regimes. The inoperability of the boards of directors of Russian energy companies consisting of foreign nationals due to the impact of foreign unilateral restrictive measures (sanctions of unfriendly countries) has led to the need to ensure the economic activities of such companies by their executive body and management. Performing the duty to act in the interests of the company reasonably and in good faith in a situation of inaction of the Board of Directors, the executive body (general director) is forced to conclude transactions with formal excess of authority. The purpose of the article is to build a line of defense of the executive body’s actions as good faith behavior and to propose amendments to the current legislation.

Model: the methodological basis of the article is the analysis of the behavior of the executive body of a legal entity in terms of compliance with the requirements of the principles of good faith, the balance of public and private interests, as well as for the protection of public interest, performance of the statutory duty to act in the public interest, the presence of extreme need in the actions, as well as the establishment of authority apparent from the situation. The area of research is the good faith behavior of the executive body of the Russian legal entity, and ways of proving it in order to avoid liability of the executive body for entering into a transaction with formal excess of authority.

Conclusions: There is no excess of authority at the conclusion of a transaction without its approval by the Board of Directors, if the executive body proves that: (1) a balance of public and private interests was found; (2) there was no other way to resolve the conflict of norms of the two legal orders or (3) public interest [ensuring reliable and uninterrupted energy supply] has legal priority for the purposes of legal protection. It is required to clarify the norm of paragraph 2 of Article 53.1 of the RF Civil Code, to supplement the norm of paragraph 1 of Article 183 of the RF Civil Code and to fill with new legal content the concept of «situation» in the meaning of paragraph 1 of Article 182 of the RF Civil Code.

Scope of research / possibility of further use of the results of scientific work: The results of the study are part of a new comprehensive approach to the study of «bad faith behavior» as an independent legal concept, as well as the justification of a new method of legal regulation - the negation of bad faith behavior.

Practical significance: The author proposed a system of proving the good faith behavior of the executive body (general director) on the basis of the current legislation. For the purposes of avoiding liability for the conclusion of a transaction in the absence of its approval by the Board of Directors the CEO of a Russian company must be able to prove the following: the company’s activities are related to the satisfaction of public interest; profitability or profitability of the transaction for the company; the authority to sign the transaction was apparent from the situation; the presence of extreme necessity in the actions of the executive body; the fact of notifying the Board of Directors of the conclusion of the transaction exceeding authority as a manifestation of good faith; compliance with the principle of balancing public and private interests.

Originality/value: The article is addressed to the legal scientific community, legal practitioners, may be useful to law students at universities.

Keywords: unilateral restrictive measures, sanctions of unfriendly states, board of directors, excess of authority, extreme necessity, principle of good faith, principle of balance of public and private interests, power apparent from the situation, energy sector.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):193-199
pages 193-199 views


Conceptual Approaches to Improving the Legal Regulation of the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and ESG Principles in the Activities of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the City of Moscow

Korolkova D.


The aim of the work is to analyze the conducted sociological research aimed at identifying the peculiarities of understanding and perception of the concept of sustainable development and ESG-principles by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) of the city of Moscow, determining the degree of their readiness to take part in the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and ESG-principles within the framework of their activities, as well as the development of conceptual approaches to improving the legal regulation of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and ESG principles in the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow. A sociological study conducted by the author showed that the interviewed representatives of SMEs in the city of Moscow associate actions to implement the concept of sustainable development and ESG principles with government initiatives, while expressing their readiness to take part in such projects, provided that from the side of the state, municipal authorities support measures will be offered, for example, in the form of tax incentives. In addition, as a result of the study, it was concluded that it is expedient to develop the concept of the draft law of the city of Moscow «On measures to promote the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and ESG principles in the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow», and certain provisions of the concept of the draft law are formulated.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(3):200-210
pages 200-210 views

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