Features of information relations on the Internet regarding copyright objects



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Legal protection of copyright on the Internet is an extremely urgent problem, both in international law and in the framework of Russian law. The article discusses the features of information relations on the Internet regarding copyright objects. In the framework of this study, an analysis of regulatory documents that govern the procedures for protecting copyright in the Russian Federation and abroad, including in the global network, is presented. Information posted on the global network is a vulnerable object and is often subject to distortion, misinterpretation, etc. The most acute problem in the field of civil law regulation is the protection of copyright for inventions of science, works of literature and art.




Azamat Zhukov

Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies

Email: Zhukov_azamat@mail.ru
PhD in Technical Sciences. Position: senior lecturer. Department: internal Affairs’ activities in the special conditions


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