Some questions of differentiation of objects of criminalistic explosion



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The purpose of this article is to summarize modern data on the concept of explosives and explosive devices as one of the objects of limited turnover; signs indicating that the object belongs to the goals in one of the categories: initiating, brisant and throwing actions, as well as about the manufacturing methods and other grounds for its division. The main signs of explosives are highlighted: explosiveness, brisance and sensitivity. To solve this problem, on the basis of the classification given in the work, a comparative legal analysis of the definitions is carried out, the effect of the type of detected, seized, used weapon on the qualification of acts, a comparison of some tactical and technical characteristics of explosives and explosive devices that are important for determining their place in the system. With regard to explosive devices, the article also provides a generalized classification according to the method of manufacture for home-made and factory; and depending on the targets for military and industrial substances, as well as parts of standard explosive devices and varieties of these parts. The results of such a generalization can be used for further theoretical research, the preparation of scientific papers and for solving practical problems in the field of generating special knowledge of a police officer, in particular, determining tactics for detecting and seizing explosives and explosive devices, prohibitions and restrictions related to ensuring personal safety; comparisons with classification features, which allows to delimit the samples among themselves and determine the further mechanism for conducting preliminary research and bringing to responsibility a certain type.




Zaurbi Shkhagapsoyev

Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North Caucasus institute for advanced training

Dr of Law, professor, police colonel. Position: Head of Institute.

Victoria Gauzhaeva

Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North Caucasus institute for advanced training

PhD at Law. Position: Associate Professor. Department: special technical training chair.


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