Legal aspects of the use of physical force and combat techniques by police officers



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The purpose of this study was to study the organizational and legal basis for the use of physical force and combat techniques by police officers, as the problem of the use of violent acts, namely physical force and combat techniques by police officers in the course of service with anti-social elements is relevant and little studied. And today 's realities are such that police officers often have to resort to the use of physical force and combat techniques because of the failure of offenders to comply with legitimate police demands. The objectives of the study: knowledge of the legal basis for the use of physical force and combat techniques by police officers are those factors that are aimed at improving the efficiency of their operational and official activities and make them aware of their mental and theoretical wealth, moral purity and impeccability. In accordance with the severity of the act and resistance of the offender, the police officer applies direct coercive measures, the limits of which are set by the legislator and are characterized by a defined framework beyond which there are negative legal consequences for law enforcement officers. At the same time, the police officer applies measures of direct coercion in accordance with the severity of the resistance committed and provided by the offender, the limits of which are set by the legislator and are characterized by a defined framework beyond which there are negative legal consequences for law enforcement officers. Conclusions: The use of physical force and combat techniques by police officers is conditional on the suppression of offences and the detention of anti-social elements, and the priority is to achieve full control over their actions through the physical measures provided for in the legislation.




Alihan Afov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Police Senior Lieutenant, Lecturer, Department of Physical Training Nalchik, Russia


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