Some problem aspects of the development of the electronic declaration system in the Eurasian Economic Union



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Currently, the introduction of electronic customs innovations is becoming the main item on the agenda of the Eurasian Economic Commission. In this regard, the most important task of optimizing customs and administrative technologies is to simplify the procedure for moving goods across the customs border of the EAEU. The customs administration must be brought in line with international standards and best practices, which is facilitated by the development of an electronic declaration system. Electronic declaration is a progressive way of declaring information about goods and vehicles using special information systems. For more than six years in the activities of the customs authorities, the declaration of goods transported across the customs border of the EAEU is mandatory in electronic form. The undoubted advantage of electronic declaration today is the simplification of customs formalities, a reduction in the time for the release of goods, the absence of corruption risks, since the interaction between the subjects is carried out in absentia through remote technologies. Based on the analysis of the electronic declaration system in the EAEU member states, the authors formulate a number of problematic aspects of the application of this system. It is noted that electronic customs are not able to become a universal solution to the problems highlighted in the article, they are the specificity of the Russian customs authorities, due to the size of the territory of the Russian Federation and the uneven distribution of participants in foreign economic activity. Only the use of modern information and communication technologies can guarantee effective customs administration.




Leyla Gelyakhova

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

PhD (Law), Police Captain, Senior Lecturer, Department of Organization of Law Enforcement Activities Nalchik, Russia

Nadezhda Moshkina

Saratov National Research University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

PhD (Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Customs, Administrative and Financial Law Saratov, Russia


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