Peculiarities of International Terrorism Acts Counteraction



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In the modern world, terrorism is recognized as a global problem. It poses a significant threat to public safety and the rule of law in most states. In this context, at the international and domestic levels, many normative legal acts are being adopted, including those that create the basis for proportionate and fair punishment of criminals who commit illegal acts of a terrorist nature. The most specific crime in this area under the legislation of the Russian Federation is an act of international terrorism, which consists in the commission of a number of unlawful actions outside the territory of the Russian state for purposes traditional for many terrorist organizations - violation of peace and law and order or the interests of a particular state. the criminal law providing for responsibility for this crime is not new to Russian practice, at present there are many questions regarding the effectiveness of the fight against acts of international terrorism. The purpose of this research paper is to identify the features of countering acts of international terrorism in order to improve the existing mechanisms of counterterrorism. activities. The author comes to the conclusion that the actual problems of countering acts of international terrorism are largely related to the difficulties of combating terrorism in general. Attention is focused on the presence of a number of features of the fight against this criminal act, which are objectively determined by the dynamism of the development of the criminal activities of terrorist organizations on a global scale. The author notes the most important role of the development of international cooperation in the fight against acts of international terrorism, which is associated with the condition of committing this crime outside the Russian state.




Ruslan Kardanov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Cand.Sci(Law), Police Colonel, Head of the Department of Organization of Law Enforcement Activities Nalchik, Russia


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