Features of legal regulation remote form of labor organization



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The purpose of this work is to study the issues of legal regulation of the remote form of labor organization, as well as to analyze various models of remote work. In the course of the study, conclusions were obtained that the remote form of labor organization has recently become increasingly widespread. At the same time, there is currently no single concept that synthesizes such definitive norms as "remote work", "home work" and "self-employment". We believe that it is advisable to introduce the general term "remote work". The legislation lacks legal identification of many current forms of remote work, including self-employment, temporary and combined remote work, as well as civil law norms that would regulate the regime of self-employment. Identifying features of the remote nature of the function performed include: the absence of a stationary workplace for one of the parties to the contract (the contractor), the virtual nature of interaction with the customer (employer). Due to the fact that the remote employee is on the staff of the organization, he is subject to the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of remote work, it is advisable to distinguish such models as: remote work, based on the forced/directive or conscious choice of a remote form of labor organization on the part of the employer/employee, and remote work, which has a combined (partial remote work) nature. When transferring an employee to a remote form of work, it is necessary to approve: the work schedule, methods of information exchange, options for providing the necessary equipment and software products. In addition to remote work, there is a so-called "self-employment" ("freelance"), the legal relations for which should be regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.




Linara Battalova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Email: linara_b@mail.ru
PhD (Law), associate Professor Moscow, Russia

Sergey Krasheninnikov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; the law office «Anisiforov and partners»

Email: appravo@yandex.ru
PhD(law), associate Professor; Managing partner Moscow, Russia


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